Concentration of Pollutants
7 Jul 2020
In July-August 2020, I browse through videos by Dr Greger that explain how many industrial pollutants we have accumulated in our bodies!
Videos by Dr Greger
(2021) The Human Health Effects of Cultivated Meat: Chemical Safety

(5 mins) Transcript. Dr Greger's summary: "More than 95 percent of human exposure to industrial pollutants like dioxins and PCBs comes from fish, other meat, and dairy."

(2020) Is Organic Meat Less Carcinogenic?

(5 mins) Transcript.

(2012) CDC Report on Environmental Chemical Exposure

(2 mins) Transcript. Summary by Dr Greger: "The latest national survey on the levels of chemical pollutants (such as heavy metals, toxic solvents, endocrine-disrupters, flame-retardant chemicals, PCBs), and pesticides (such as DDT) in the bodies of pregnant and non-pregnant Americans."

(2012) President's Cancer Panel Report on Environmental Risk

(3 mins) Transcript.

(2014) California Children Are Contaminated

(4 mins) Transcript.

(2012) Pollutants in Californian Breast Tissue

(2 mins) Transcript.

Accompanying article: Pollutants in Californian Breast Tissue (March 2013).

(2010) Industrial Pollutants in Vegans

(2 mins) Transcript. Dr Greger's summary: "Why vegans appear 'significantly less polluted' than omnivores, but not as toxin-free as expected."

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