Dr Achyuthan Eswar | Sampoorna Ahara
27 Mar 2022
Dr Achyuthan Eswar runs PHC Lifestyle Clinic in Bangalore, India. He is unique: he is skilled with both Nature Cure guidelines and Whole Food Plant-Based guidelines! Nature Cure (Naturopathy) has its roots in the East (ancient Indian traditions). WFPB has its roots in the West (modern nutrition science). Dr Eswar is familiar with both systems and speaks both languages!

Meal Delivery: Sampoorna Ahara

Website (blog): NutritionScience

Recipes (Free): Recipe e-books

YouTube: Samporna Ahara

Instagram: @achyuthan.eswar

FaceBook support group: Be Your Own Doc with Naturopathyoga.

Potlucks: They also organize a potlucks! See photos from Feb 2019 potluck. I'm encouraging my friends to attend this potluck and check out what they cook and what kind of food guidelines they follow.

How to contact Dr Eswar in Bangalore? Book an appointment.

(61 mins, 2021) Chef AJ Interview with Dr Achyuthan Eswar
(75 mins, 2021) How to Cook Plant Based Indian Recipes

An interview in which Dr Eswar explains his strategy for traditional South Indian recipes without any animal products (no meat, no fish, no eggs, no dairy), without oil, without refined sugars and without procesed foods.

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