Dr Gurmail Singh Virk
28 Feb 2019
Dr Gurmail Singh Virk spent 30 years as an allopathic doctor, retiring as CMO of a hospital in Punjab. Later in his career, he shifted to Nature Cure! So he's unique in the sense that he speaks both languages: allopathy and Nature Cure! His son (Dr Maninder Singh Virk) is also a doctor with a degree in Nature Cure.
Punjab Naturopathy and Yoga Hospital

Address: Tapa - Bhadaur Road, Near Akal Academy, Bhadaur-148102, Distt. Barnala, Punjab, INDIA


+91 98159 74381 (Dr Gurmail Singh Virk — father)
+91 98150 85581 (Dr Maninder Singh Virk — son)

email: info@PunjabNaturopathy.com

Website: Punjab Naturopathy and Yoga Hospital


All videos are in Punjabi. In many of the videos below, Dr Virk mentions milk intake. However, in the very first video below, he says that milk is discouraged — we should not be consuming milk.

The only food component which was never touched upon in all the videos above is salt, which should be reduced. In advanced Nature Cure systems and in WFPB-SOS, salt is removed completely.

A great video with overal food guidelines. The ideal system describes has none of these: {processed foods, sugar-sweetened beverages, alcohol-tea-coffee, drugs, meat-fish-eggs, dairy, oil, refined grains}, which matches WFPB guidelines! In addition, as all Nature Cure practitioners suggest, we should eat more fruits n veggies; less grains n beans. Plus Dr Virk has guidelines on water intake, when to drink water, how many meals, and what to eat in each meal. These are typical guidelines found in Nature Cure circles.

Milk appears in the video at offset 7:35 in response to a question posed by the interviewer. Dr Virk explains yogurt and milk guidelines. At the same time, he mentions that ideally, we should not consume milk & yogurt. Most likely, what's going on is this: telling Punjabi populations to remove milk is a tough sell, which is why he allows milk and yogurt if somebody really insists on consuming them.

Water Guidelines

A great video focused on water guidelines.


This video focuses on diabetes. Insightful. Mentions milk but see the first video above to understand that the best possible food system is without milk.

Something interesting is mentioned at offset 8:22! For 7-10 days, they put a diabetic patient on a fruit juice diet, to be consumed every 3 hours. I've heard of similar protocols adopted by other Nature Cure practitioners. But Dr Virk is unique in that he has 30 years of personal experience as a practicing allopathic doctor including CMO of a hospital in Punjab. And Punjab has a lot of diabetes, so he's seen it all, including advanced diabetes and all its complications. Dr Virk mentions in the interview that conventional wisdom (allopathic disease modeling) dictates that diabetics should stay away from sugars. Yet he says in the video that he puts diabetics on fruit juices only for 7-10 days [something that would alarm an allopathic practitioner], along with a few other interventions like 'kunjal kriya'.

Overall Philosophy

A general video that explains the overall philosophy behind Nature Cure — how it treats the root cause, problems with existing allopathic protocols, and so on. I'd say that this is a great video to watch for somebody who is new to all these ideas: WFPB or Nature Cure.

What's Wrong with our Diet?

A video in which Dr Virk explains what all is wrong in typical Punjab diet. He is pretty frustrated with strange, unnatural things that we habitually consume as food and the pathetic state of {air, water} quality. [Again, he mentions milk but see the first video above to understand that we should ideally not consume milk at all.]

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