Part 20: What is Dry Fasting?
14 Jul 2019
All Parts (1 — 22): Overview of Diets & Fasts

During a dry fast, we consume no food, no water. This should not be taken lightly because it could be a potentially dangerous exercise! I'm not aware of any clinic where medically-supervised dry fasting is carried out for even a few hours a day.

Few people practice dry fasting today; it was a well recognized intervention in the past. Said to be super healing. For example, Nirjala Ekadasi is a traditional dry fasting day practiced in almost every state of India — we don't eat or drink anything for about 36 hours. Ramadan fasting also entails dry fasting.

Who Teaches Dry Fasting?

1) Anna Yakub from Ukraine: She promotes Dry Fasting for spiritual reasons. See Anna Yakuba's Dry Fasting Guidelines. She emphasizes the need to prepare ourselves physically and mentally before attempting Dry Fasting. Lecture by Anna Yakub (62 mins, YouTube; translated into English) — WebsiteYouTube Playlistsanother article on Dry Fasting.

2) B V Chouhan from India: In this video (in Hindi language), he explains why 'no water, no food' for several hours is a healing experience. B V Chouhan's food guidelines are called New Diet System (NDS); dry fasting is not practiced by itself; it's part of a larger system that includes (a) raw vegetables, fruits, nuts & seeds, (b) Time Restricted Feeding (consume food within 6-8 hours in a day), and (c) Enemas for the first several weeks.

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