Dr Rick Dina's Lectures On Essential Fatty Acids
15 Apr 2022
Can we get sufficient Omega-3 and Omega-6 EFAs through fruits & vegetables alone? In the video below, Dr Rick Dina explains how that may be possible for raw vegans or high raw vegans: by eating copious amounts of leafy greens, and some fruits & veggies!
(6 mins, 2022) Best Sources Of Essential Fatty Acids
Transcript of video above:

"There are two fatty acids. Fatty acids are the building blocks of fats that are essential (that are really important) but our body doesn't make them. One of them is an Omega-3 fat known as Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA) and the other one is an omega-6 fat known as Linoleic Acid."

"Most of the time we hear about the benefits of Omega-3s because they are incredibly important. People think we need to eat large quantities of cold water fish and if we're not doing that — you know — lots of flax seeds and chia seeds and and all that kind of stuff. I'm not against some of those things. But here's the really good news!"

"I've analyzed lots of diets like yours, Robbie. You're the the poster boy here for all the good fruit there. When people eat diets based on fruits and vegetables, especially when there is a significant quantity of leafy greens in there, and I mean like 100 calories or so worth per day of leafy greens and maybe another 100 calories worth of other vegetables and the rest fruit, people can actually get enough of their essential fats just by doing that!"

"So how much of those do we need? The dietary reference intake put out by the Institute Of Medicine — a division of the National Institutes of Health in the United States says that for Omega-3 fats, women need about 1.1 grams per day and men need about 1.6 grams per day. I encourage people to shoot for about 2 grams per day."

"When you look at diets based on fruits and vegetable,s you get usually 2 to 3 grams of Omega-3 per day which is really good. If it's only fruit and not enough vegetables, you might not make it — you might get 0.8 grams or 1 gram per day. But when you add the vegetables in there, especially the leafy greens, that really brings the Omega-3s up! So it's absolutely doable with just a fruit and vegetable-based diet."

"If people are eating a lot of raw but not that much raw and they want to get more concentrated sources of Omega-3s, the leader there by a nose is the flax seed. Second place by a little bit of a margin is the chia seed. And then there's hemp seeds, there's walnuts and a few other things out there have Omega-3s in them."

"So the good news is you don't need to consume massive quantities of fat in order to get your essential fats. Omega-6: we need maybe 3 grams or so per day of the Omega-6 essential fat. Again, based on fruits and vegetables and little bit of nuts and seeds here and there, that's actually pretty easy to do also."

Lecture Series

Dr Rick Dina has a 3-part lecture series on Essential Fatty Acids:

(23 mins, 2013) Essential Fats — Section I
(23 mins, 2013) Essential Fats — Section II
(18 mins, 2013) Essential Fats — Section III
(33 mins, 2014) Is it Essential to Eat Fat on a Raw Vegan Diet?
(10 mins, 2014) All about Essential Fatty Acids
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