Saturated Fats & Chronic Inflammation
9 Jul 2023
Chronic inflammation is implicated in cancer and several other conditions. Is there a dietary component to chronic inflammation? Yes! Some foods are pro-inflammatory and others are anti-inflammatory. Wouldn't it be nice if we consume the vast majority of our calories from anti-inflammatory foods, and minimize the intake of pro-inflammatory foods?

In recent years, Dietary Inflammatory Index has been proposed. They classify all foods into pro- and anti-inflammatory. They also assign a numeric score to assess the degree to which food is pro- or anti-inflammatory.

Source: Slide Deck for DII (Dietary Inflammatory Index) presentation, AICR website (2014) by Susan Steck, PhD.
Which foods are pro- and anti-inflammatory? In the slide below shows, anti-inflammatory foods are plant foods! Pro-inflammatory foods have dietary cholesterol, sat fats and trans fats — the same three food constituents that were implicated by IOM (Institute of Medicine) report from 2006 (see section above)!
Source: Slide Deck for DII (Dietary Inflammatory Index) presentation, AICR website (2014) by Susan Steck, PhD.
(61 mins, 2021) What Is An Anti Inflammatory Diet? Tamara Duker Freuman

Tamara Duker Freuman, Majrooh Sultanpuri, RDN, CDN introduces you to the Dietary Inflammatory Index (DII), a research-based tool that offers science-based guidance as to what a truly anti-inflammatory diet looks like.

(A slide from the presentation. Click to enlarge.) Three dietary factors were identified as pro-inflammatory in Dietary Inflammatory Index (DII): saturated fats, trans fats and dietary cholesterol.

Dr Greger
(2023) The Best Diet for Fibromyalgia and Other Chronic Pain Relief

(7 mins) Transcript. Dr Greger's summary: "Anti-inflammatory diets can be effective in alleviating chronic pain syndromes." Excerpt:

Check out those twin videos: Foods That Cause Inflammation and Which Foods are Anti-Inflammatory? But broadly speaking, components of processed foods and animal products, such as saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol, were found to be pro-inflammatory, while constituents of whole plant foods, such as fiber and phytonutrients, were strongly anti-inflammatory.

(2022) Saturated Fat Causes Artery and Lung Inflammation

(4 mins) Transcript. Dr Greger's summary: "What happens within hours of eating a high-fat meal?" Excerpt:

Intro: Studies show that just a single meal high in saturated fat can impair artery function for hours after consumption. In this three-part video series, we look at what saturated fat does to the body, and how exercise and diet can protect our arteries, thus helping prevent our #1 killer—heart disease. Check it out.

(2022) Exercising to Protect Your Arteries from Fast Food

(5 mins) Transcript. Dr Greger's summary: "There is a window of time in which sufficient physical activity can help mediate some of the damage caused by eating an unhealthy meal."

(2022) Foods to Help Protect Your Arteries from Saturated Fat

(7 mins) Transcript. Dr Greger's summary: "If you’re going to have something unhealthy, is there anything you can eat with it to help mediate the damage it may cause?"

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