Saturated Fats: Misc Problems
19 Oct 2020
Saturated fats are implicated in Heart Disease, Diabetes, Chronic Inflammation, Cancer, Multiple Sclerosis, and several other health conditions listed below:

Articles by Dr Greger:

Videos by Dr Greger:

(2014) Telomeres: Cap It All Off with Diet

(7 mins) Transcript. Dr Greger's summary: "Is the reversal of cellular aging Dr. Dean Ornish demonstrated with lifestyle changes due to the plant-based diet, the exercise or just to the associated weight loss?"

Alzheimer's Disease

Articles by Dr Greger:

Videos by Dr Greger:

(2016) Alzheimer’s Disease, Copper, and Saturated Fat

(5 mins) Transcript. Dr Greger's summary: "If copper is associated with Alzheimer’s disease, what about healthy, whole plant food sources such as nuts, seeds, beans, and whole grains?" Excerpts:

In conclusion, the present systematic review suggests that a diet rich in copper and iron might aggravate the detrimental effects of a high intake of cholesterol and saturated fat on the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. So, diets rich in saturated fat and deficient in antioxidants appear to promote the onset of the disease, while more plant-based diets would likely suppress its onset.

Therefore, the practical implications could be to eat lots of fruits and vegetables, avoid copper-containing supplements, and avoid high intakes of saturated fat and excessive iron intake.

(2014) Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease with Diet

(3 mins) Transcript. Dr Greger's summary: "The role of the Mediterranean diet in preventing and treating dementia."

Male Fertility

Articles by Dr Greger:

Videos by Dr Greger:

(2014) The Role of Diet in Declining Sperm Counts

(4 mins) Transcript. Dr Greger's summary: "The ongoing global drop in male fertility may be associated with saturated fat intake and lack of sufficient fruits and vegetables."

Dr Peter Rogers
(11 mins, 2021) Is Saturated Fat Satanic Fat
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