Potato Lectures by Dr McDougall
19 Nov 2022
Article: Potatoes are Pillars of Worldwide Nutrition (2002)

Book: The Starch Solution (368 pages, 2013) by Dr McDougall explains starch-centric meal planning strategies which are in harmony with Whole Food Plant-Based guidelines.

Short Videos
(4 mins, 2016) Potatoes: The Perfect Food (Dr McDougall)

Dr McDougall narrates the story of Chris Vogt who went on a 60-day potato-only diet in 2010: Story at ForksOverKnives and Story at Vimeo.

(3 mins, 2011) In Defense of the Potato (Dr McDougall)

Insightful presentations by Dr McDougall:

(120 mins, 2021) Potatoes - A Miracle Of Nutrition?
(35 mins, 2020) Potatoes

A great presentation by Dr McDougall on potatoes! Worth watching to understand why it's okay to eat an abundance of potatoes, sweet potatoes and yams.

(120 mins, 2021) Potato Mastermind Part 1: Potatoes Are the Pillars of Worlwide Nutrition

A 77-min lecture followed by Q&A.

(96 mins, 2021) Potato Mastermind Part 2: The Humble Potato Saves Humanity

A 66-min lecture followed by Q&A.

Potato History Books

At offset 7:23 of this presentation, Dr McDougall displays these books on potato history:

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