Potatoes: Green Light Or Yellow Light?
19 Nov 2022
Traffic Light System: Whole Food Plant-Based guidelines by Dr Greger, Mastering Diabetes and Forks Over Knives use a traffic light system. Green light means 'eat in abundance'. Yellow light means 'eat in moderation'. Red light means 'avoid'.

Are potatoes a green light food or a yellow light food?

Dr Greger

In 2021, Dr Greger presented a webinar: Are White Potatoes Bad For You?

Potatoes are a yellow light food! In his 2021 webinar on potatoes, Dr Greger classified potatoes as a yellow light food! Why? Excerpt from Dr Greger's webinar description:

Greater potato consumption is associated with a greater risk of coming down with type 2 diabetes, but of the hundred or so pounds of potatoes Americans eat every year, most are in the deep-fried form of French fries and potato chips. But even baked, boiled, or mashed potatoes seem to carry a small increased risk even after taking all the butter and sour cream into account. The reason that potato consumption may just have a neutral impact on mortality risk (as opposed to other whole plant foods–beans, nuts, vegetables, and fruits–that are linked to a longer life) is that all the fiber and vitamin C and potassium in white potatoes might be counterbalanced by the detrimental effects of their high glycemic index.

Dr Greger's main concern is that potatoes seem to cause no change to all cause mortality or risk for various chronic conditions! Hmm. That means potatoes aren't really that great, are they? Because fruits, veggies, whole grains, beans and so on (basically any food group in Whole Food Plant-Based guidelines) lead to reductions in all cause mortality and risk for many chronic conditions. So if we're eating potatoes, isn't it 'opportunity lost' — we could have eaten something healthier that's plant-based.

Q&A at offset 37:10 of this 1-hr webinar on potatoes:

Question: Are potatoes a green light food or a yellow like food?

Dr Greger: "Well, that's a good question! I would make it a yellow-like food just because of the opportunity cost, right! You're missing an opportunity to eat something even healthier, so if possible anything you do with a white potato, if you could do with a sweet potato or some other vegetable that would have that extra benefit beyond just having a neutral effect on mortality."

Can we do something to improve the nutritional quality of potatoes? Yes. See How To Improve The Nutritional Quality Of Potatoes

What Do Other Docs Say?

Dr Greger is the only doctor who says that we should eat potatoes in moderation — he called potatoes a yellow light food in his webinar. Dr McDougall loves potatoes! In fact, soon after Dr Greger's webinar, he published a rebuttal affirming that potatoes should be a green light food (to be eaten in abundance).

(117 mins, 2021) Rebuttal to Dr. Greger's Potato Webinar | Dr McDougall
Are Sweet Potatoes Okay?

Yes! Sweet potatoes are a green light food in all Whole Food Plant-Based guidelines. In other words, we may eat them in abundance. See Sweet Potatoes and Sweet Potato Recipes by Dr Greger.

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