WFPB doctors often mention Leaky Gut Syndrome and 'molecular mimicry' in the context of autoimmune conditions. What exactly are these concepts?
Could the high bacterial load in raw or cooked animal foods and fermented foods trigger autoimmune conditions?
In 2012, Dr Greger published a 7-part video series summarizing the role of Neu5Gc, a molecule in meat that promotes inflammation and tumor growth. Is there a relationship between such inflammation and autoimmune conditions?
Is yeast (nutritional yeast, brewer's yeast, baker's yeast, for example) known to exacerbate some autoimmune conditions?
Does sodium intake exacerbate symptoms of autoimmune conditions? How about potassium intake via plant foods?
"Who we have living in our gut may also play a role in autoimmune diseases." — Dr Greger. What does he mean?
Dr Brooke Goldner is both a WFPB physician and a psychiatrist who has designed a green-smoothie based healing protocol for autoimmune conditions. She emphasizes the role of mind-related factors on healing.
Can fasting help us alleviate symptoms of autoimmune conditions? Yes!
Books by Dr Brooke Goldner, Dr Roy Swank, …