Dr McDougall: Digestive Tune-Up Lectures
27 Jul 2021
(42 mins, 2022) The Upper Intestinal Tract

This presentation is part of a longer, 3-hr interview with Dr McDougall: The Upper GI Tract by Chef AJ.

(120 mins, 2022) The Lower GI Tract

This video is about 2 hours long. However, Dr McDougall's lecture presentation with slides is only 55 mins long. It starts at offset 25:11 and continues to approximately offset 1:19:45.

Lectures From 2017

In 2017, Dr McDougall gave a series of video lectures based on chapters of his book Dr McDougall's Digestive Tune-Up (224 pages, 2006).

(38 mins, 2017) Digestive Tune-Up Session #1, Webinar 03/02/17

Video description: "In this live webinar, Dr. John McDougall, MD, discusses Chapter 4 of his book Digestive Tune-Up: My Stomach's on Fire and I Can't Put It Out!"

What's Dr McDougall's startegy for tackling stomach acidity and GERD? He outlines these steps: (a) Immediately stop PPIs; He mentions that only a few exceptional situations warrant PPIs; in his estimate, only about 2 out of 50 people whom he asks to stop have to restart them; Dr McDougall says that PPIs cause kidney disease, osteoporosis, infection in lungs (because acid in stomach is low), (b) Stop fruit juice immediately - it's disturbing to the stomach, (c) Avoid raw veggies (especially onion, green peppers, cucumbers, radishes — these are well tolerated when cooked), (d) Start a starch based diet, (e) Raise the head of the bed by 4 inches so othat we sleep at a incline, (f) use antacids if needed; use H2 blockers like Zantac if really needed. Many of these steps are outlined in this article by Dr McDougall from 2012.

Dr McDougall also mentions long term effects of GERD and acid reflux. They include harm to our vocal cord, laryngitis, sinusitis, enamel damage, bronchitis and emphysema. A leading cause of asthma happens to be GERD / acid reflux; Dr Greger believes that cow's milk is the main culprit; by removing cow's milk, we're likely to alleviate both GERD and asthma symptoms. * Most people tolerate tea; black tea. Coffee is not encouraged - raises cholesterol, for example. * fats, chocolate, relax the sphincter * coffee has alkaloids (this is different from caffeine) -- leads to acid production * SIPPY diet is not healthy - heart disease risk goes up?

Fruit juices: McDougall's clinic doesn't serve any fruit juices except for prune juice (which is for emptying the bowls in some people, as mentioned in this article from 2012. * constipation - straining contribute to acid reflux Offset 30:15 -- what about fruit juice? Dr McDougall mentions studies in late 70s or 80s in which researchers studies impact of a whole apple vs blended apple vs only apple sauce (without fiber) on blood sugar and insulin levels for a few hours after ingestion. Also, some people get stomach irritation with fruit juices. So on the whole, fruit juices cause problems in many of us.

(59 mins, 2017) Digestive Tune-Up, Session #2, Webinar 03/16/17

Video description: "In this live webinar, Dr. John McDougall, MD, chapters from his book Digestive Tune-Up. Chapter 1: Sickness, Stroke and a Brand New Start. Chapter 2: Meet the Patients. Chapter 3: Bad Breath. Cooking Demo follows."

(49 mins, 2017) Digestive Tune-Up, Session #3, Webinar 03/23/17

Video description: "In this live webinar, Dr. John McDougall, discusses topics from his book Digestive Tune-Up. Chapter 5: What's Eating You? Chapter 6: Here's to a Happy Gallbladder."

(65 mins, 2017) Digestive Tune-Up, Session #4, Webinar 03/30/17

Video description: "In this live webinar, Dr. McDougall discusses the current healthcare system and his vision for an improved way to take care of patients. He then goes on to talk about Chapter 7 in his book and finally ending with a Q&A Session."

(60 mins, 2017) Digestive Tune-Up, Session #5, Webinar 04/06/17

Video description: "In this webinar, Dr. McDougall talks discusses chapter 8 from his book "Digestive Tune-Up": In Search of the Perfect Bowel Movement. The best description of what a normal bowel movement is supposed to be like!"

(55 mins, 2017) Digestive Tune-Up, Session #6, Webinar 04/27/17

Video description: "n this webinar, Dr. McDougall talks discusses chapter 9 from his book "Digestive Tune-Up": Bowel Sickness and the Fiber Factor."

(63 mins, 2017) Digestive Tune-Up, Session #7 (+ Vitamin B12), Webinar 05/04/17

Video description: "In this webinar, Dr. McDougall talks about why he recommends taking Vitamin 12 (See the April 2017 Newsletter) and he discusses chapter 10 from his book "Digestive Tune-Up": Chained to the Bathroom with Colitis."

(56 mins, 2017) Digestive Tune-Up, Session #8, Webinar 05-18-17

Video description: "In this webinar, Dr. McDougall discusses chapter 10 & 11 from his book "Digestive Tune-Up": Chapter 10: Chained to the Bathroom with Colitis, Chapter 11: Colon Polyps and Cancer."

(66 mins, 2017) Digestive Tune-Up, Session #9, Webinar 05/25/17

Video description: "In this webinar, Dr. McDougall discusses Chapter 12: Beneficial Bowel Bacteria, from his book "Digestive Tune-Up"."

(71 mins, 2017) Digestive Tune-Up, Session #10, Chapter 13, Webinar 06/15/17

Video description: "In this webinar, Dr. McDougall discusses Chapter 13: Flatulence Exploring the F-Word, from his book "Digestive Tune-Up"."

(61 mins, 2017) Digestive Tune-Up Chapter 14: Evolution, Anatomy and Proper Human Nutrition

Video description: "Are human beings really meat eaters? What does our anatomy say about nutrition? What does our digestive system say about nutrition? Fascinating topics plus Q&As in this live webinar with Dr. McDougall, MD."

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