Multiple Sclerosis & WFPB
9 Sep 2021
A few days ago, I learnt that a good friend had Multiple Sclerosis (MS). So I discovered some articles and videos that explain how Whole Food Plant Based guidelines might help somebody with MS.
Dr Greger

A quick summary of WFPB guidelines for MS is found in Dr Greger's articles and videos.


  • (2014) How to Treat Multiple Sclerosis with Diet.
  • (2013) Plant-Based Diets for Multiple Sclerosis. An excerpt:

    Maybe that's why people who eat plant-based diets appear protected from autoimmune diseases, explaining, for example, the extraordinary rarity of most autoimmune diseases among sub-Saharan rural blacks following a traditional plant-based diet. Before they changed their diets, evidently not a single case of MS had been diagnosed among a population of 15 million.


(2013) Treating Multiple Sclerosis with the Swank MS Diet

(9 mins) Transcript. Dr Greger's summary: "A plant-based diet may not only be the safest treatment for multiple sclerosis; it may also be the most effective."

(2011) Trans Fat, Saturated Fat, & Cholesterol: Tolerable Upper Intake of Zero

(2 mins) Transcript. Dr Greger's summary: "The intake of trans fats, which come mostly from junk food and animal products; saturated fat, mostly from dairy products and chicken; and cholesterol, coming mostly from eggs and chicken, should be as low as possible."

(67 mins, 2010) Diet and Multiple Sclerosis

Note: if you click on the 'Play' icon, the video will play just fine; (the thumbnail for the video is a B/W cassette player of a bygone era).

A 67-min talk by Dr McDougall at Advanced Study Weekend 2010. Browsing through Programs at McDougall Center, it seems that the Advanced Study Weekend program has been discontinued.

(61 mins, 2010) Diet, Multiple Sclerosis and Autoimmune Diseases

60-min talk by Dr McDougall at Healthy Lifestyle Expo 2010.

(65 mins, 20113) Multiple Sclerosis and Autoimmune Diseases: The Impact of Diet

This lecure was presented at Northwest VEG's Enhancing Health with Plant-Based Nutrition medical conference on September 20, 2013.

Dr Roy Swank

Dr Roy Swank (1909-2008) developed the Swank Diet in 1949 for tackling Multiple Sclerosis. A quick summary of his work is available in Treating Multiple Sclerosis with the Swank MS Diet (9 mins, 2013) by Dr Greger. Dr Greger also wrote an article in 2014: How to Treat Multiple Sclerosis with Diet.

Book: The Multiple Sclerosis Diet Book (391 pages, 1987) by Dr Roy Swank & Barbara Brewwer Dugan.

Dr Swank was a mentor and friend to Dr McDougall. In one of the talks below, Dr McDougall says that even though he calls his program 'The McDougall Program', he actually stood on the shoulders of giants like Dr Swank.


  • (35 mins, 1995) Dr McDougall interviewed Dr Swank.
  • McDougall Interview with Dr. Roy Swank, MD — this is a transcript of a small part of the interview above. Excerpts:

    “These people are all energetic before they get the disease (Multiple Sclerosis) — they are driven people, always wanting to be busy.”

    “Scientists have found a very strong positive correlation when consumption of cow's milk is compared with the incidence of MS worldwide.”

    “Therefore, people seeking to effectively treat MS and wanting to avoid progression of their disease need to eat a healthy, low-fat, plant-based diet as recommended by Dr. Swank. Considering recent evidence, strict avoidance of all animal proteins, especially dairy proteins, is also very important.”

For more info, see Fat Intake: Dr Swank's Clinical Experience.

(6 mins, 2001) MS with Roy Swank
(18 mins, 1989) Roy Swank, MD: Multiple Sclerosis Cure (the 5th Estate TV Show)
(92 mins, 1990) Dr Roy Swank: Multiple Sclerosis Pioneer - Plus a Conversation with Dr. McDougall
Dr Luigi Fontana
(14 mins, 2022) Milk & Dairy Products: Are They Really Bad For MS?

Dr Fontana summarizes a recent study that explains the relationship between casein and MS.

Dr Pam Popper
(9 mins, 2019) Multiple Sclerosis Causes And Solutions

A fast-paced video explaining Dr Swank's work, recent MS drugs and their efficacy.

Other WFPB Doctors

Dr Colin Campbell: Autoimmune Disease: Genes, Infection, Environment & Gut by Dr Colin Campbell mentions "Multiple Sclerosis" 28 times.

Dr Joel Fuhrman: Multiple SclerosisAutoimmune Disease.

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