NO Production: Dr Nathan Bryan
27 Jan 2023
NO (Nitric Oxide) is a magic molecule that fortifies the endothelial layer in our arteries. Dr Esselstyn emphasizes foods that boost NO production in our bodies. But a variety of factors like mouthwashes, antacids and fluoridated water can hinder NO production.

In his interviews, Dr Esselstyn admires the work of Dr Nathan Bryan who is a world expert on NO production in our body. I found it helpful to listen to Dr Nathan Bryan in this regard.

Website: Nathan Bryan, Ph D


Source: Nitric Oxide Science by Dr Nathan Bryan

Research paper: Food sources of nitrates and nitrites: the physiologic context for potential health benefits by Norman Hord, Yaoping Tang, Nathan Bryan, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 90, Issue 1, July 2009, Pages 1-10.

An excerpt:

In terms of plant anatomy, the nitrate content of vegetable organs can be listed in descending order (most to least) as petiole > leaf > stem > root > influorescence > tuber > bulb > fruit > seed [69].

The petiole is a stalk that connects the blade with the leaf base.

A table from the paper:

Based on the table above, I'd introduce celery and beet into my daily meals.


Lectures and Interviews:

(76 mins, 2022) Functional Nitric Oxide Nutrition | Interview with Chef AJ
(61 mins, 2020) Nitric Oxide: The Magic Molecule
(51 mins, 2019) The Role of Oral Bacteria in Systemic Nitric Oxide Productions in Humans
(56 mins, 2017) The Role of Nitric Oxide in Integrative Medicine
Dr Peter Rogers

A FaceBook comment:

"I've seen Drs Esselstyn & Bryan talk about NO & greens. Tongue bac convert NO3- (nitrates) to NO2- (nitrites). Stomach acid converts NO2- to NO (nitric oxide) = vasodilator that's absorbed into blood. I would avoid mouthwash & toothpaste (b/c F- & other bad chemicals like triclosan, SLS, etc). I know a lot of plants have nitrates. I have not read about them having nitrites (so I don't know that). Plants also have LOTS of K+ & Mg2+ = are both vasodilators. Avoiding sodium also helps b/c it inhibits NO production. Avoiding sat fat also improves endothelial function."

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