Kelly Turner: Radical Remission
24 Aug 2021
Radical Remission by Kelly Turner (336 pages, 2015) is a fascinating book based on her Ph D thesis at UC Berkeley! Amazon book description:

"While getting her Ph.D. at the University of California, Berkeley, Dr. Turner, a researcher, lecturer, and counselor in integrative oncology, was shocked to discover that no one was studying episodes of radical (or unexpected) remission — when people recover against all odds without the help of conventional medicine, or after conventional medicine has failed. She was so fascinated by this kind of remission that she embarked on a ten month trip around the world, traveling to ten different countries to interview fifty holistic healers and twenty radical remission cancer survivors about their healing practices and techniques. Her research continued by interviewing over 100 Radical Remission survivors and studying over 1000 of these cases. Her evidence presents nine common themes that she believes may help even terminal patients turn their lives around."

Kelly Turner identified 9 factors that were common to cancer survivors' personal life stories that helped them heal. These 9 factors are:

Only two factors are physical: (1) Radically Change Your Diet, and (4) Using Herbs and Supplements. All other factors are emotional, social and spiritual.

Website: Radical Remission Stories — we can upload / search for stories using filters and read them online for free!

FaceBook: Radical Remission

Book Reviews: A 4-page summary of the book by David Schwartz, M D (PDF) is well written.

Another book review recommends the book but expresses concerns with Kelly Turner's methodology and the possibility of confounding factors, which are a thorny challenge in any piece of scientific work that aims to identify factors contributing to prevention or reversal of health conditions. When reading this review, a question came to my mind: How effective is cancer treatment anyways? Dr Greger summarizes the efficacy in this video: How to Win the War on Cancer (5 mins, 2018).

#1 Radically Change Your Diet

A majority of the survivors made the same 4 dietary changes:

1. Greatly reducing or eliminating sugar, meat, dairy, and refined foods
2. Greatly increasing vegetable and fruit intake
3. Eating organic foods
4. Drinking filtered water
Point number 1 is a push towards a Whole Food Plant-Based diet!

#2 Take Control Of Your Health

The Radical Remission survivors took charge of their health, played an active role in their treatments and healing, having a sense of being in control of the treatments, decisions, and lifestyle changes. Many worked at their healing with time-consuming efforts requiring re-prioritizing their activities, work, and lifestyle choices. There was no room for passivity.

Taking control means dealing with the resistance that the medical profession, friends and family may put up against the sick person's decisions. This may require a lot of determination.

Janice said, "When I was in the hospital, the doctors and nurses spent two hours a day for 2 months trying to convince me that I was going to die, that there was not hope, that I had to accept this. I told them I did not accept it… And I do believe my level of control positively affected my healing… If I had not had the strong intuitive feeling that I would live, and if perhaps I weren't a bit of a rebel by temperament, I would have listened to them and wouldn't be here now to tell my story."

#3 Follow Your Intuition

The survivors listened to their own gut feelings, intuitions, deep inner senses, and inner guidance about what course to follow with their treatments, lifestyle, or work. They learned methods for tuning in to their intuition. Sometimes their decisions defied logic or just were not based on any logical analysis of their situation, but they had a strong certainty that their choices were the right ones for them.

#4 Use Herbs & Supplements

The survivors took herbs and supplements to detoxify the body, to strengthen the immune system, and to support the digestive system, among other effects that generally strengthen the whole body, usually selecting which supplements were most applicable to each individual.

#5 Release Suppressed Emotions

Releasing suppressed emotions is no simple matter. That required major personal work, whether it was counseling, journaling, stress management work, meditation, and/or whatever methods worked best for each person to detoxify the mind-body from anger, fear, and depression.

The chapter begins with a quote from Mark Twain: "Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured."

#6 Increase Positive Emotions

Survivors learned to express gratitude, love, playfulness, and laughter, and they did specific disciplines and daily practices to cultivate positive emotions. In contrast to commonly used visualizations of doing battle with the cancer, they practiced sending love to all parts of the body, including the cancer, recognizing that the cancer was not an outside invader but a product of one's own body. By loving it, they gave the cancer permission to calm down, shrink, and go away.

One survivor, Saranne, 29 years old, in tears, terrified and feeling overwhelmed at hearing her diagnosis of metastatic stage 4 breast cancer, decided to switch from trauma to laughter. She asked her daughter to help her make a list of all the things that made them laugh, then made a commitment to take a minute twice a day to really have fun, and the more they practiced the more it permeated their whole days. People who knew that her body was currently in terrible shape would remark, "You and your daughter are so happy. Look at you guys… You dance through life together… What is your secret? How are you doing this?"

#7 Embrace Social Support

The radical remission survivors asked for and received help and support from friends and family, joined support groups, and learned to benefit from human to human contact. The author recommends that if you are the loved one of a cancer patient, to call them and simply tell them you are thinking about them, even if you don't have time to run errands for them or pamper them or drop off healthy meals (all of which would be nice), just a phone call or email every couple of days to send your love goes a long way.

#8 Deepen Your Spiritual Connection

The survivors deepened their spiritual experiences with more frequent and regular spiritual practices. This is not about specific religious beliefs or doctrines, and regardless of which religious path the patient chose, it was the experience of deeply felt spiritual reality.

One survivor, Matthew, had an inoperable malignant brain tumor in the center of his brain with a 2% chance of surviving more that a few months even with conventional treatments. He went to Brazil to see "John of God," Joao Teixeira de Fariqa, a healer who does not charge for his services. Matthew did not undergo the commonly known "psychic surgery" from John, who recommended instead herbs, supplements, and meditation. Matthew meditated in John of God's special meditation room 6 hours per day, 3 days a week, for 2 years, and little by little, the tumor shrank to nothing by the end of that time. Matthew stayed on for 2 more years at the healing center volunteering and helping others. He is still enjoying excellent health as of 2014.

#9 Have Strong Reasons For Living

Each of the survivors exhibited strong reasons for living, that is, a purpose for being present here on this planet, and experiencing being alive. This is different from not wanting to die or fearing death. They felt a strong sense that they have to be here.

As Donna, a grandmother with stage 3 colon cancer said regarding (what if I die?) "Don't even go there. I need to take charge of this. I need to do what I have to do here. I'm not going anywhere… I'm not done!" Now at age 67 she anticipates living to age 88.

Radical Hope & The Tenth Factor

Radical Hope (second book): In 2020, Kelly Turner wrote a second book: Radical Hope (368 pages, 2020) which goes beyond cancer and studies other conditions. In this book, she introduces a tenth factor!

The Tenth Factor:
Exercise / Movement

(8 mins, 2022) Book Review: Radical Remission by Kelly Turner | Dr Peter Rogers
(3 mins, 2019) Radical Remission: A New Way to Fight Cancer

An overview of the 9 factors.

(27 mins) Kris Carr Interviews Kelly Turner

A great video that focuses on food and supplements for the most part. Towards the end, Kelly focuses on spirituality.

(1-hr) Book Review by Dr Bob Rutledge (oncologist)

Who is Dr Bob Rutledge? Associate Professor in Oncology at Dalhousie University, Canada.

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