If you know of a channel or playlist not listed here, please drop me an email. Thank you!
YouTube Channel: Nandini Gulati
Playlists: WFPB Recipes
Info: Guilt-Free Vegan (Book) — Book review. The book is Recommended by SHARAN.
FaceBook: Nandini Gulati Coach
YouTube Channel: The Soulful Cook
Playlists: All playlists.
Info: Nav Kaur maintains The Soulful Cook with delectable Indian recipes.
YouTube Channel: Brand New Vegan
Playlists: Sauces and Dips — Mexican Recipes — Salads — Side Dishes — Soups, Stews & Chili — Asian Recipes — … many more.
Website: Brand New Vegan Recipes — Text Listing of All Recipes.
YouTube Channel: Jane Esselstyn has recipes compliant with Dr Caldwell Esselstyn's WFPB-NO guidelines. The videos are presented by Jane and Ann Esselstyn (Jane's mom).
Book: Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease (320 pages, 2008) by Dr Caldwell Esselstyn.
Cookbook: The Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease Cookbook (288 pages, 2014) by Ann Crile Esselstyn & Jane Esselstyn.
Website: DrEsselstyn.Com
Follow: FaceBook Page — Health Care Is Self Care (About Jane).
YouTube Channel: Lennis Perez TV has super-simple, oil-free, whole-food plant-based recipes! Her recipes tend to be Mexican / Latin. Lennis is a Wellness Coach, certified from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies.
The recipe part of her videos start at 60- or 90-second mark; the first minute or so is almost identical; she talks about her channel.
Website: LennisPerez. She narrates her personal journey here.
YouTube Channel: Well Your World has WFPB-NO recipes. Many of thesee recipes are actually SOS-free (no Salt, no Oil, no Sugar).
Playlists: Healhty Vegan Recipes — Easy Vegan Recipes
Website: Well Your World
Playlist: Oil-Free, HCLF, RawTill4 has excellent short videos for quick WFPB-NO recipes. 'RawTill4' means 'no consumption of cooked foods until 4pm'. HCLF is High Carb Low Fat. The 'high carb' guideline is in harmony with WFPB-NO guidelines. In fact, one of the prominent WFPB doctors, Dr John McDougall explicitly calls his WFPB Diet a 'starch-based diet'. He has written a book along this theme called The Starch Solution (368 pages, 2013). YouTube has John McDougall's talk on Starch Solution (75 mins).
YouTube Channel: Nutriplanet Health Club.
YouTube Channel: Caitlin Shoemaker has elegant videos.
Playlists: Recipes — Budget Friendly Recipes — Vegan Meal Prep (how to prepare meals in batch) — What I Eat In A Day.
Low Cost Meals: The theme of these videos resonated with me.
* What I Ate On $1.50 a Day // Budget Friendly Vegan Meals (Days 1-3)>
* What I Ate On a $1.50 Budget // Live Below the Line (Days 4-5)
The above two videos may be watched just to see her creativity and her spirit.
Website: From My Bowl has many WFPB-NO recipes.
Book: From My Bowl (eBook for $).
YouTube Channel: Satvic Movement by Subah Jain showcases Nature Cure / Naturopathy guidelines. Only two aspects seemed different from WFPB-NO guidelines: (a) No beans or legumes in any preparation; all WFPB doctors advocate them but Naturopathy doctors recommend eliminating beans when sick, and (b) Many recipes have coconut, coconut milk or coconut powder, so it's possible to gravitate towards 'high fat' consumption; WFPB-NO guidelines call for 'low fat'. Also, Dr Greger explains that coconut milk is not health promoting (2 mins, 2009).
All Recipes: Subah Jain Recipes.
YouTube Channel: The Vegan 8 by Brandi Doming is a great YouTube channel. She makes sure that her recipes have at most 8 ingredients.
Website: The Vegan 8
Book: The Vegan 8 (256 pages, 2018) by Brandi Doming.
YouTube Channel: Jaroudi Family has several dozen WFPB-NO recipe videos inspired by Dr Greger's books """How Not To Die (576 pages, 2015) and """The How Not to Die Cookbook (272 pages, 2017) by Dr Greger and Gene Stone.
Playlists: How Not to Die Cookbook Meal Plan (6-days).
Follow: FaceBook page.
YouTube Channel: Rachel O — lots of recipe videos from different cuisines.
Playlists: Indian recipes — Italian recipes — Mexican recipes — Middle Eastern recipes — African recipes
Info: Rachel O'Connor is an Emotional Health Coach (specialising in EFT and other energy therapies). In this video, she explains, "I myself spent 10 years suffering from chronic fatigue, and I beat the odds (even with Ehlers Danlos) to recover my health and a huge part of that recovery was addressing my emotional health using energy techniques like EFT." In this video, she shares her healing journey.
Website: Rachel O-Connor
YouTube Channel: High Carb Hannah has dozens of videos by Hannah. She lost over 70 lbs and became fit by following WFPB-NO guidelines.
Playlists: High Carb Recipes
Website: Recipes by High Carb Hannah — Personal Story
The Watering Mouth is by Cheri Alberts. At her website, she says: "My goal is to spread the mission of creating consistency and joy for anyone wanting to get healthy for life. My advice is based on the Eat to Live lifestyle by the book by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. This is a whole-foods, plant-based, high-nutrient lifestyle."
YouTube Channel: The Watering Mouth: Eat To Live For Good
Playlists: Healthy Recipes — Salads — Cocktails & Drinks — Smothies
Website: The Watering Mouth
Playlist: WFPB-NO recipes by Wiki Pamela. Recipes are not quick — I'd say they are of moderate complexity.
Playlist: Produce Section Challenge has super simple recipes.
Marley follows WFPB-NO diligently. Every day, he visits the produce section and the bulk section of a grocery store, spends somewhere between $10 and $15 to get ingredients for preparing the next 3 meals: lunch, dinner and next day's breakfast. He has a fairly large following on FB and also a YouTube channel. He's done this for over an year now. See this article describing his approach.
I feel that Marley Ficalora is a godsend for P-dominant personalities in Myers Briggs in the J vs P dimension!
Books: Recipe Book (one-time purchase) and Meal Plans (recurring purchase).
FaceBook: Marley Ficalora and Produce Section Challenge (Group).
Example videos: Day 82: National Pizza Day — Day 9 — Day 6
YouTube Channel: Butterfly Effect by Heather Goodwin has WFPB-SOS recipes, where SOS stands for no Salt, no Oil, no Sugar.
Playlists: Vegan Recipes — Instant Pot Recipes.
Website: Butterfly Effect Weight Loss
YouTube Channel: Tina Turner
Playlists: Many (SOS-Free, Lentils, Instant Pot, Burgers, &hellip).
Info: Tina Turner Plant-Based Recipes (FaceBook) — Tina Turner's Blog.
YouTube Channel: Rathi Loganathan Selvraj.
Indian, oil-free, raw food recipes. Her daily meals are 70% raw and 30% cooked, so her channel also has some cooked preparations.
Rathi speaks Tamil but all her videos have English sub-titles! I browsed through some of her videos like Pazharasam, Panchamirtham, Coconut Pepper Chutney, and so on. These preparations look awesome! Rathi prepares both raw and cooked meals using clay pots, the best possible material for cooking.
In a personal story video, she explains how she read a book by M A Appam many years ago, got influenced, removed all meat and all dairy products from her diet and started living a 'natural lifestyle' centered around raw foods: fruits, nuts, veggies, sprouted beans and some rock salt.
Her food philosophy is explained in this long blog article (English). She has also penned down a book in Tamil: here.
YouTube Channel: Harshika Gudi is a pretty good singer and WFPB-NO YouTuber. Her latest videos feature her 2-year old son as well. She has a few dozen, high quality videos. See her Playlists.
A few illustrative videos: Dal Tadka (featuring a mesmerizing rendition of "Aja Piya"), Whole Wheat Mango Pancakes and How To Make Gravies.
YouTube Channel: Vegan Style Cooking by Sarah has dozens of WFPB-NO recipes
Playlists: Breakfast — Quick n Easy Meals — Main Meals — Side Dishes — Soups — Smoothies.
Follow: Facebook — Twitter — Instagram — Pinterest — Website.
YouTube Channel: Heal with Food has about 20 Indian WFPB-NO recipes.
Playlist: WFPB Cooking Demos with No Oil by 'EatPlant-Based by Terri'.
YouTube Channel: Forks Over Knives (YouTube Channel) has many WFPB-NO recipes. See Playlist.
Documentary: What is "Forks Over Knives"? It is a 96-min documentary from 2011 centered around the work of Dr Colin Campbell (who coined the term Whole Food Plant Based), Dr Esselstyn and various other WFPB researchers and doctors. See reviews on Amazon or watch on NetFlix. The success of Forks Over Knives led to the development of an extensive website and a diet named after it.
Food Guidelines & Recipes: Forks Over Knives Diet is a single webpage with clear guidelines. Some details are in the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) at the bottom of the page. Especially important are questions about supplements and B12.
YouTube Channel: Nini Girl has dozens of WFPB-NO recipes. See Playlist of Cooking Videos.
YouTube Channel: Engine 2 Plant Strong by Rip Esselstyn.
Playlist: Engine 2 Recipes has short, 30-second clips with Engine 2 recipes.
Info: Rip Esselstyn. He is Dr Caldwell Esselstyn's son. He devised the Engine 2 Diet (a WFPB diet) which is Whole Foods' official diet for the last many years. Rip is a former triathlete and Texas firefighter. He's indeed ripped :) In his talks, Rip advocates this mantra, "Real Men Eat Broccoli!" See Books by Rip Esselstyn at Amazon.
At her YouTube channel, she says, "I'm a Stage 2 Breast Cancer Survivor gone vegan on a whole foods plant-based diet to take back my health - Now, I'm a Certified Vegan Lifestyle Coach & Educator …"
YouTube Channel: Naomi Green
Playlists: Cooking & Food
Website: Going Vegan for Health
Will and Bonnie are a couple in their late 40s and early 50s who keep fit and spread awareness of Whole Food Plant-Based lifestyle via videos and articles. They have a book with recipes too.
YouTube Channel: Potato Strong
Playlists: WFPB Recipes.
Info: FaceBook — Instagram — Website — Recipes (Breakfast — Lunch — Dinner — Snacks — Desserts.
Book: The Potato Strong Recipe Guide (77 pages, 2014).
YouTube Channel: Mr And Mrs Vegan
Playlists: Oil-Free Recipes
Info: Website (Free Guides — Meal Planner) — Instagram — FaceBook.
At her YouTube channel, she says, "This channel is all about a high-raw vegan lifestyle: a whole food plant-based lifestyle rich in raw foods. I post recipes, vlogs, and healthy living tips."
YouTube Channel: Marina from Soul in the Raw
Playlists: Recipes — Raw Vegan Recipes
Info: Soul In The Raw
YouTube Channel: Harshdeep Swami has WFPB-NO recipes. Harshdeep passionately presents North Indian recipes.
Playlist: Oil-Free Recipes has dozens of videos.
YouTube Channel: The Whole Food Plant Based Cooking Show.
YouTube Channel: Cooking with Plants by Anja Cass has WFPB-NO recipes which are not exactly 'simple'. Also, the emphasis is on preparations that taste like those with meat and dairy.
Playlists: Main Meals — Chrimas & Holiday Eats — Desserts — Breakfasts — Sauces — Sides — Snacks — Baked Potato Recipes — Soups — Drinks — Pizzas — Junk Foods — Cheese & Dairy Alternatives — Vegan Meat Alternatives
Website: Cooking With Plants
YouTube Channel: Jeanne Schumacher - Simply Plant Based
Playlists: Recipes & Cooking Shows
Website: Simply Plant Based
YouTube Channel: CircleOHealth India. Dr Rupa Shah is a general physician in Khar, Mumbai, India. She has been advocating WFPB-NO diet to her patients for over ten years now.
(30 short videos) Dairy Alternatives
(21 short videos) Why No Milk
(13 videos) Pranijya Doodh Kyu Nahi Peena Chahiye (Hindi)
(7 videos) Plant Based Sweets
(7 videos) Cooking Demos in Hindi
(33 videos) Oil-Free Cooking Demos
Website: Circle of Health. A glimpse into Dr Rupa Shah's lifestyle philosophy may be gotten from these short blog articles: Oil Free Workshop — Bread Workshop — Oil-Free Demo.
* What About My Calcium? (2018, Rs 500).
* Dairy Alternatives (2017, Rs 150) — also available in Hindi and Gujrati.
YouTube Channel: Jill McKeever has dozens of WFPB-NO recipes. See Playlists.
FaceBook groups: Plant-Based Support — Plant-Based Recipe Hoarders.
YouTube Channel: Nutmeg Notebook by Tami has dozens of WFPB-NO recipe videos. I discovered her channel through Review of Breville Smart Oven where she explains how she roasts different veggies using this convection oven — lovely presentation.
Website: Nutmeg Notebook Recipes has dozens of recipes, well laid out.
YouTube Channel: TheVeggieChest
Playlists: The Veggie Chest with Dr Ruby Lathon — Surviving Cancer —
Website: Dr Ruby Lathon
YouTube Channel: Jill Nussinow has several WFPB-NO recipes. Also known as 'The Veggie Queen', Jill has been teaching plant-based cooking classes for over 30 years. For more than 25 of them she has been teaching at Santa Rosa Junior College as adjunct chef instructor specializing in vegetarian and vegetable classes. For more than 10 years, Jill has taught at the McDougall program (featured in Forks over Knives movie). Jill is a Registered Dietitian.
Website: The Veggie Queen — Recipes has dozens of recipes.
Books: Jill Nussinow's Amazon Page lists her books. The most popular one is Vegan Under Pressure (320 pages, 2016).
YouTube Channel: Chef AJ
Playlists: SOS-Free Recipes — Easy Meals
Info: Chef AJ gave this excellent talk: From Fat Vegan to Skinny Bitch (51 mins, YouTube). She turned vegan many years ago but continued to be overweight. So she worked closely work WFPB doctors and cut out oils, nuts & seeds, avocados, sugar, flours, and so on, to arrive at a healthy weight for the first time in her life! She now runs a Chef AJ Ultimate Weight-Loss Program to help others lose weight with WFPB Diet. She has also written a book called The Secrets to Ultimate Weight Loss (318 pages, 2018).
YouTube Channel: Plant-Based Judy. She has 1-3 mins videos.
Jeff Morgan is muscular. He and his wife publish YouTube videos sharing their WFPB-based approach at home.
YouTube Channel: Guilt Free TV
Info: Guilt Free TV (Instagram) — Guilt Free TV (FaceBook).
YouTube Channel: Delectable Planet publishes recipes by PCRM. See PCRM Food For Life Playlist. The Food for Life program is described here.
YouTube Channel: PlantPure TV has dozens of WFPB-NO recipes. See Recipes Playlist.
Website: PlantPure Nation.
Note: Around 2019-2020, Steph Monti's recipe videos became private. No more accessible to us.
YouTube Channel: Steph Monti has short and elegant videos with WFPB-NO recipes. Most videos are only 1-2 mins long!
Playlist: Playlist: NDS Recipes has a few dozen raw vegan / live foods recipes.
New Diet System is inspired by Shri B V Chouhan. The system is summarized here. The philosophy behind the system is explained here: New Diet System (PDF file, 262 pages). Daily food guidelines are described in two short videos: What, Why, Who (NDS) (5 mins) and How To Adopt New Diet System (4 mins).
NDS camps ('shibir' in Gujrati, 'shivir' in Hindi) are held in dozens of cities worldwide. This YouTube video showcases recipes served at an NDS camp. A few recipes may be found here.
Many recipes are available in two FaceBook groups: New Diet System (NDS) and New Diet System World Group (NDS).
YouTube Channels: These channels have dozens of New Diet System (NDS) videos: newdiet4health — Pratik D Vyas — Kiran Watare — Amrish Patel NDS Diet Detox & Yog Center — Swadarshan Sadhana Kendra (SSK-NDS).
YouTube Channel: Berta Jay is a wonderful YouTube channel with two kinds of videos: cooking tips and recipes. I love the Playlist for Tips n Tricks — these are awesome!
Why I Became Vegan is Berta Jay's personal story.
YouTube Channel: Be Green With Amy.
YouTube Channel: Medical Medium has short and well made videos with simple recipes.
Sanjeev Kapoor has cooking shows which are super popular in Asia. In 2019-2020, a vegan recipe playlist emerged at their YouTube channel featuring SHARAN India as their 'Knowledge Partner'.
Playlists: Vegan Recipes: out of 33 recipes in Nov 2020, 3 had oils, 4 used coconut milk (Dr Greger discourages coconut milk) and 3 had roasted nuts (Dr Greger discourages roasted nuts). Other recipes seemed WFPB.
Mary McDougall does not have a YouTube channel. However, her recipes are found in books and website articles with her husband John McDougall. Here are two playlists of others preparing McDougall recipes: Playlist 1 — Playlist 2.
YouTube Channel: Simnett Nutrition by Derek, a well built nutrition coach.
Derek has videos showing protein powders. As far as I understand, protein powders are not required for being a strong athlete on WFPB-NO diet. For example, both Dr Garth Davis and Dr Heather Shenkman are surgeons who follow WFPB-NO; both are triathletes too! Neither of them consumes protein powders. See this article: Protein Intake. In fact, Dr Garth Davis penned down a book to explain that we obsess about protein unnecessarily: Proteinaholic (400 pages, 2016). This book has positive reviews on Amazon.
Playlists: WHAT I EAT and Recipes
Website: Simnett Nutrition — About Derek — Meal Planner
FaceBook: Simnett Nutrition
YouTube channels listed below have authentic vegan recipes from different parts of the world. However, many recipes have oil. In some cases, they also use sugar. In order to prepare WFPB-NO recipes, we have to mindfully eliminate oil and sugar from such recipes.
Playlist: Vegan Recipes in Pailin's Kitchen. Pailin describes authentic Thai preparations. Her recipes are not necessarily oil-free and sugar-free. For WFPB-NO preparations, we'd have to mindfully remove both oil and sugar from these recipes.
Playlist: Maangchi's Vegetarian Recipes tend to be vegan. However, she almost always adds sesame oil and red chillies. If you remove both, you get fantastic oil-free, mildly flavored Korean WFPB-NO preparations.
Playlist: Vegan Videos by Nupur Sampat are pretty good. For example, see Pav Bhaji in which she first steams all the veggies, then mixes them with gravy prepared in a blender, then minimally cooks them together in flame. Her Dal Makhani recipe uses cashew paste. In both recipes, she uses a little bit of oil for tempering some spices (preparing 'tadka'); oil tempering may be replaced by dry roasting or simply replacing oil with water. Since there are so many flavors in both recipes, you won't notice the absence of oil.
Playlists: Recipe Videos by Peaceful Cuisine are not necessarily oil-free. However, many vegan recipes like quinoa porridge, , and black rice pudding have no oil.