Those who wish to continue eating rice may wish to look into cooking techniques that reduce arsenic levels.
Article by Dr Greger: (2020) How to Cook Rice to Lower Arsenic Levels.
(6 mins) Transcript. This video explains the main technique for arsenic reduction: to boil rice (white or brown) in excess water. Then rinse water away after boiling. With 6-to-1 water-to-rice ratio, we get 40% reduction in arsenic. With 10-to-1 water-to-rice ratio, we get 60% reduction in arsenic. How much nutrition do we lose in terms of iron and B vitamins? See video for details.
In the end, Dr Greger reminds us the futility of these arsenic reduction techniques:
For these reasons, Dr Greger recommends that we don't eat any rice, especially because we have so many other whole grains available in the market!
In 2020, a new method was discovered for reducing arsenic in rice. See Scientists Find New Way of Cooking Rice That Removes Arsenic and Retains Nutrients, SciTechDaily.
Dr Greger has a 14-part video series and as many blog articles that explain in detail why he recommends avoiding rice. Please see Arsenic in Rice.