Rice: Cooking Techniques For Arsenic Reduction
27 Sep 2021
Rice is not recommended by Dr Greger, Dr Klaper and many other Whole Food Plant-Based doctors. Why? Because rice has too much arsenic these days! Even if we adopt the best known arsenic reduction technique (boiling in excess water, then draining), cancer risk from arsenic in rice remains too high.
How To Cook Rice To Reduce Arsenic Levels

Those who wish to continue eating rice may wish to look into cooking techniques that reduce arsenic levels.

Article by Dr Greger: (2020) How to Cook Rice to Lower Arsenic Levels.

(2017) How to Cook Rice to Lower Arsenic Levels

(6 mins) Transcript. This video explains the main technique for arsenic reduction: to boil rice (white or brown) in excess water. Then rinse water away after boiling. With 6-to-1 water-to-rice ratio, we get 40% reduction in arsenic. With 10-to-1 water-to-rice ratio, we get 60% reduction in arsenic. How much nutrition do we lose in terms of iron and B vitamins? See video for details.

In the end, Dr Greger reminds us the futility of these arsenic reduction techniques:

But, what does that 60 percent drop really mean? By boiling and draining a daily serving of rice, we could cut excess cancer risk more than half from about 165 times the acceptable cancer risk to only about… 66 times the acceptable risk.

For these reasons, Dr Greger recommends that we don't eat any rice, especially because we have so many other whole grains available in the market!
(2020) PBA Rice Cooking Method

(click on image to expand)

In 2020, a new method was discovered for reducing arsenic in rice. See Scientists Find New Way of Cooking Rice That Removes Arsenic and Retains Nutrients, SciTechDaily.

Avoid Rice!

Dr Greger has a 14-part video series and as many blog articles that explain in detail why he recommends avoiding rice. Please see Arsenic in Rice.

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