What is Whole Grains Hierarchy?
6 Oct 2021
Whole Grains are the most confusing food group in Whole Food Plant-Based guidelines. Why? Because we can consume grains in so many different ways! Here are some examples: intact whole grains, sprouted, broken, rolled, flaked, shredded, cornmeal-like, coarse flours, finely ground flours, puffed, fermented, in the form of hard breads, soft breads and so on. Phew! What are the best and worst ways of consuming whole grains and why? A great video that sheds light on these answers is the "Whole Grain Hierarchy" by Brenda Davis.
Whole Grains Hierarchy by Brenda Davis

Speaker: Brenda Davis, Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist from Canada.

Duration: 12 min.

Summary: How should we consume whole grains: whole? sprouted? broken? rolled? flours? bread (sprouted / dense / fluffy)? pasta? shredded? flaked? puffed?

Details: Whole Grains by Brenda Davis.

Whole Grain Hierarchy

At offset 10:31 in the Whole Grain Hierarchy video by Brenda Davis, she divides grains into 3 categories which may be called 'awesome!', 'great' and 'avoid' categories.

(Image derived from Whole Grains by Brenda Davis)



AVOID: Brenda encourages those pursuing weight loss or tackling diabetes to drop all of these from their diet:

What about whole grain pasta and bread? For a discussion, see Whole Grain Bread & Pasta.

The Science Behind Whole Grain Hierarchy

Why are intact whole grains the best? Why should we avoid pulverized or ground whole grains (whole grain flours)? Why are puffed whole grains the worst? Brenda Davis offers a high level overview of the science. For details, see The Science Underlying Whole Grains Hierarchy.

Raw, Soaked, Sprouted, Cooked

How to eat whole grains?

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