Dr Barnard Interviewed by Jeanne Schumacher on Women's Health
18 Dec 2020
Dr Neal Barnard has appeared in several interviews and podcasts after publication of Your Body In Balance (352 pages, 2020). The interview series with Jeanne Schumacher is pretty awesome. It's in 6 parts and covers a wide arrays of topics.
(50 mins, 2020)
Your Body In Balance - Part 1
(72 mins, 2020)
Your Body In Balance - Part 2
(67 mins, 2020)
Your Body In Balance - Part 3
(40 mins, 2020)
Your Body In Balance - Part 4
(44 mins, 2020)
Your Body In Balance - Part 5
(52 mins, 2020)
Your Body In Balance - Part 6
(32 mins, 2020)
Your Body In Balance - Part 7 (Environmental Toxins)

An information-rich, 32-min interview with Dr Barnard that touches upon BPA, phthalates, DDT, glyphosate, atrazine, PCBs, citric acid, triclosan, hormones in meat & dairy, organic vs non-organic, EWG guidelines, gluten, and personal care products.

In the end, Dr Barnard presents 9 guidelines:
1. Avoid animal products.
2. Favor organic produce.
3. Favor fresh or frozen over canned.
4. Prepare beans from scratch.
5. For microwaving, use glass containers and not plastic.
6. Look for BPA free labels.
7. Drink clean water. If filter needed, Reverse Osmosis is best.
8. Skip thermal receipts.
9. Check the labels on personal care products.

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