What Causes Menstrual Pain?
20 Dec 2020
How common is menstrual pain?

"Dysmenorrhea is the medical term for painful, crampy periods. It affects almost half of menstruating women. Yet despite the substantial effect on quality of life and general wellbeing, few women will seek treatment, as they believe it won’t help." — Dr Greger's video (2013)

"Most women experience some menstrual pain. For up to 15 percent, it is severe enough to interfere with work and other activities for one or more days every month." — PCRM article

Dr Neal Barnard is a Whole Food Plant-Based doctor who wrote Your Body In Balance (352 pages, 2020). This book presents an estrogen-centric narrative which is summarized in this PCRM article. The next section presents the key points of this article.
What Causes Menstrual Pain?

Key points of the estrogen-centric narrative in this PCRM article:

1) Estrogen & menstrual pain:

“There is a connection between the food you eat and your body's estrogen levels. Animal products and added oils increase the levels of estrogen in the body. The more estrogen-based foods you consume, the more likely your uterine lining becomes abnormally thick. As a result, when it begins to break down during the menstrual cycle, this process creates more prostaglandins, resulting in higher levels of pain.

2) How to reduce estrogen levels?

“A low-fat, high-fiber diet can significantly reduce estrogen levels.”

… but wait a minute! How does a low-fat, high-fiber diet reduce estrogen levels? The reasoning is complicated. The key points of the argument are described here: Notes from Dr Barnard Interview - Part 1. Dr Linda Carney's blog articles listed towards the end of this section also explain this.

3) How to construct a HIGH FIBER food plate?

  • Animal products don't have any fiber. Only plants do. This means we need to consume plants! An effective strategy towards maximizing fiber intake is to eliminate animal products altogether!
  • Often, processed plant foods are low in fiber. For this reason, Dr Greger has devised the 5:1 Fiber Rule to help us choose packaged foods wisely. But better still, why eat processed foods at all? By staying away from processed foods completely, we're more likely to maximize our fiber intake!
  • Extracts like oils and sugars have zero fiber.
  • Every time we consume an animal product or low-fiber processed food, or an extract like oil and sugar, we lost the opportunity to consume fiber!

4) How to construct a LOW FAT, HIGH FIBER food plate?

  • Follow the guidelines above for a HIGH FIBER diet. Then make sure it's low fat, as explained below.
  • Avoid all of these: fat rich animal products, fat rich processed plant products and oils.
  • Don't overdose on nuts, seeds & avocados. All three are fat rich plant foods, commonly consumed by those who follow Whole Food Plant-Based guidelines. But to make sure we are low fat, we must be mindful of our intake.
  • Even though tofu, tempeh and plant milks (derived from nuts or seeds) are not as fat rich as nuts, seeds & avocados, those who wish to follow a low fat diet must be mindful of their intake — don't overdoze on tofu, tempeh and plant milks derived from nuts & seeds.

    My strategy? I rarely consume any plant milks. And I don't like the taste of tempeh. But I do consume tofu. It's made from soybeans, which are known to be cancer protective. Consuming tofu bought from a grocery store is far more convenient than homemade soybean recipes. And I buy edamame sometimes.

5) Anti-Inflammatory Foods:

"Naturally, eating foods that decrease inflammation in the body will help to tame menstrual cramps. These foods include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds."

Articles by Dr Linda Carney: Dr Linda Carney is a Whole Food Plant Based advocate. She echoes the estrogen-centric explanation for menstrual pain in her articles:

(16 mins, 2020) Foods That Cause Painful Periods | Neal Barnard

A good video that explains thickening of the uterus lining due to high estrogen and how this may lead to painful periods. How may we reduce estrogen in our bodies? By eliminating animal products and removing oils from our diet.

How To Lower Estrogen Levels

As outlined above, adoption of Low Fat, Whole Food Plant-Based is an effective strategy to reduce estrogen levels. Is there anything else we could do? Dr Peter Rogers' video below has additional ideas.

(13 mins, 2021) How to Lower Estrogen Levels by Dr Peter Rogers

A great video by Dr Peter Rogers.

(10 mins, 2021) Why You Are Probably Estrogen Overloaded

Information in this video overlaps with the other estrogen video by Dr Peter Rogers. Water-related information is also found in How To Choose Your Drinking Water (7 mins, 2021).

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