No Dairy! … But Why?
No Milk? No Dairy?

Dairy elimination often raises eyebrows, especially among those from Indian sub-continent origin. Let's see why WFPB doctors and Nature Cure (Naturopathy) guidelines exclude dairy!

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Dairy & Lactose Intolerance

Articles and videos exploring the relationship between dairy consumption and lactose intolerance.

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Dairy & Cancer

A surprising and alarming hypothesis is that dairy causes cancer! Whoa! What do WFPB docs say?

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Dairy & Parkinson's

A collection of Dr Greger videos on the connection between dairy products and Parkinson's Disease.

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Dairy & Autism

Since 1960s, a hypothesis has floated around in the medical community that a gluten-free and casein-free diet (GFCF Diet) may ameliorate autism symptoms significantly. Success stories abound online. But is it really true that GFCF Diet helps? Turns out that medical evidence is limited (very few high quality studies). Why? Dr Greger's videos explain.

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Dairy & Acne

A collection of fascinating videos by Dr Greger that explore the relationship between dairy and acne!

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Dairy & Fertility

A collection of videos by Whole Food Plant-Based doctors exploring the relationship between dairy and fertility.

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Dairy & Bone Health

Videos by WFPB docs, especially Dr Greger, that explore the relationship between dairy intake and bone health. A common belief is that milk and dairy products are essential for strong bones, and that calcium in particular helps. However, WFPB docs have a completely different view.

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Dairy & Type 1 Diabetes

Intriguing videos by Dr Greger that explore the hypothesis that dairy consumption may trigger Type 1 Diabetes.

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Dairy & Mucus

Dr Greger has a video explaining that the relationship between dairy and mucus is not a myth!

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Dairy & Childhood Constipation

Some videos by WFPB docs that explain the relationship between dairy and constipation.

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Dairy & Infants

A collection of videos by Dr Greger exploring the relationship between dairy consumption and infant health.

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Dairy: Sat Fats, Trans Fats & Cholesterol

IOM (Institute of Medicine) recommends that intake of dietary cholsterol, trans fats and saturated fats be minimized to minimize our risk for heart disease. What does that mean as far as milk and dairy intake is concerned?

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Dairy: Hormones & Estrogen

An interesting collection of videos by Dr Greger that explain the relationship between dairy, estrogen and human health.

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Dairy & Galactose

A collection of videos by Dr Greger expressing concerns with galactose in dairy products.

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Dairy & Casein

Casomorphins are morphine-like compounds contained in milk and milk products like cheese. When consumed, these compounds attach to the same brain receptors that heroin and other narcotics attach to. In other words, casomorphins make milk and milk products addictive. What are the implications?

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Dairy & Casomorphins

Casomorphins are morphine-like compounds contained in milk and milk products like cheese. When consumed, these compounds attach to the same brain receptors that heroin and other narcotics attach to. Do casomorphins make milk and milk products addictive?

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SHARAN India: Is Dairy Healthy?

SHARAN India (led by Dr Nandia Shah) advocates Whole Food Plant-Based guidelines in India. What is her position on dairy?

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Dairy Milk Vs Soy Milk

Which one is healthy? Dr Greger explains.

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History Of Milk In USA


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