Soy Overview

Soy foods are somewhat controversial. Many people believe that they are unhealthy. Whole Food Plant-Based doctors unanimously agree that soy foods are health promoting.

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Is Soy Healthy?

Whole Food Plant-Based doctors unanimously agree that soy foods are health promoting! Including Dr Greger, Dr Kristi Funk, Dr Barnard, Dr Ornish, Dr Campbell, …

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Dr Peter Rogers & Soy

Do WFPB docs recommend soy? Yes! But Dr Peter Rogers stands out. He's a WFPB doc who stays away from soy! What's his reasoning?  

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Breast Cancer & Soy

A collection of videos by Dr Greger explaining the benefits of soy for breast cancer.

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Prostate Cancer & Soy

A collection of videos by Dr Greger explaining the health benefits of soy for prostate cancer.

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Fibroids & Soy

A collection of videos by Dr Greger explaining how soy helps us with fibroids.

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Puberty & Soy

A collection of videos by Dr Greger explaining the impact of soy on puberty.

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Menopause & Soy

Are soy foods helpful in reducing symptoms of menopause, especially hot flashes? What do WFPB doctors say?

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Phytoestrogens in Flaxseed

Flaxseeds are the richest source of lignans, a form of phytoestrogens. Dr Greger's videos explain how flaxseeds are known to help with myriad chronic conditions.

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Phytoestrogens in Seaweed

Dr Greger outlines a tiny but fascinating study in which women given a pinch of seaweed a day experienced significant alleviation of endometriosis symptoms.

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Phytoestrogens in Beer

Are there phytoestrogens in beer? Yeah!

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