Cancer: Why Plant-Based?
Cancer & WFPB: Overview

An overview of all articles on cancer and WFPB.

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Best Diet For Cancer Prevention

Are Whole Food Plant-Based guidelines the best?

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Dr Michael Greger: Cancer

Four out of fifteen chapters in Dr Greger's book How Not To Die are on cancer. He has dozens of videos at NutritionFacts.org on cancer. In 2012, Dr Greger gave a 55-minute presentation, a large part of which was cancer. He later created a 15-part video series to explain these points in detail.

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Prostate Cancer & WFPB

A collection of videos by Dr Greger and other WFPB doctors focused on prostate cancer.

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Colon Cancer & WFPB

Are colon cancer and food choices inter-related? Yes! Dr Greger explains that food choices affect the bacteria in our guts — our microbiome. High intake of animal products, which results in a low fiber diet, is associated with poor gut health and colon cancer.

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Breast Cancer & WFPB
Kidney Cancer & WFPB

Can Whole Food Plant-Based guidelines protect us from kidney cancer?

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T Colin Campbell: Casein & Cancer


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Dr Joel Fuhrman On Cancer

Articles and videos by Dr Joel Fuhrman. He has coined an acronym: G-BOMBS (Greens, Beans, Onions, Mushrooms, Berries, Seeds), all of which have powerful anti-cancer components.

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Dr Michael Klaper On Cancer

Dr Klaper has interesting, short videos on the efficacy of dietary interventions on cancer. His article on breast cancer lists 11 points one of which is fasting!

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Dr John McDougall on Cancer


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Dr Kristi Funk: Breast Cancer

Dr Kristi Funk is a breast cancer surgeon in California who also treated celebrities like Angelina Jolie and Sheryl Crow. In 2018, she wrote the book 'Breasts: The Owners Manual' in which she emphasizes a Whole Food Plant-Based diet.

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PCRM Videos on Cancer

PCRM is Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, founded by Dr Neal Barnard in 1985. In recent years, they have published a series of expository videos on cancer.

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Dr John Kelly On Cancer

Dr John Kelly was inspired by The China Study by Prof T Colin Campbell and decided to put it to the test! In 2014, he summarized his clinical experience in this book: Stop Feeding Your Cancer.

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Dr Peter Rogers On Cancer


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