Deepening our Spiritual Connection
Dr Dean Ornish: Love & Healing

Dr Ornish's landmark studies in heart health were inspired by an Indian spiritual master: Swami Satchidananda. Till date, Dr Ornish emphasizes 'stress management' and 'love n support', in addition to dietary changes and physical activity.

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Abu Open Heart Trial

Abu Open Heart Trial was a multi-year study over hundreds of heart patients in India. It demonstrated the efficacy of stress management via meditation (Raja Yoga) in conjuntion with dietary changes and physical activity.

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New Diet System: Kand Mool, Phal-Phool, Patti Pani

New Diet System is a raw vegan food system whose foundations lie in Ram Charit Manas.

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Dr Terry Shintani: The Peace Diet

Dr Terry Shintani is an American physician from Hawaii who has chalked out The Peace Diet, a Whole Food Plant-Based diet. He explains that such a diet promotes peace inside us.

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Bülent Güneralp: Our Mind and Body are Instruments

Bülent Güneralp has a fascinating personal life story. He trained as a tenor for 13 years but lost his voice. He then spent another 13 years regaining his voice, switching to Whole Food Plant-Based guidelines and developing a powerful bodybuilder-like physique. His unique peersonal life experiences have led him to develop a 'vocathletic' training system that combines food, vocal training and bodybuilding.

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Faith & Healing — Dr Peter Rogers


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Isha Yoga — Samyama Retreat


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Vegan Rabbi: Akiva Gersh


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"Don't Worry, I'm Vegan"


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Rasaparityaga In Jainism: रसपरित्याग


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