Is Diabetes Preventible and Reversible?
25 Oct 2020
This article has big picture videos that explain the efficacy of Whole Food Plant-Based (WFPB) approach for diabetes.
Videos by Dr Neal Barnard

Dr Barnard is a great speaker, with clear & crisp narration of how to tackle diabetes through adoption of Whole Food Plant-Based guidelines. Here are three videos of increasingly longer duration by Dr Barnard. Each video is awesome!

(3 mins) How To Reverse Diabetes in 3 Steps

A wonderful summary of WFPB for diabetes! A commonly asked question is, "Do we consume potatoes, grains and fruits in WFPB for diabetes reversal?" Note how Dr Barnard mentions all of these explicitly as health promoting foods. In fact, he says that sweet potatoes are even better. Here is a recipe from Dr Barnard's book on Reversing Diabetes: Scalloped Potatoes.

(18 mins) Tackling Diabetes with a Bold New Dietary Approach

A funny, informative, 18-minute TEDx Fremont talk from 2012.

(45 mins) A New Nutritional Approach to Type 2 Diabetes

An informative, 45-minute talk from VegMed 2016.

Videos by Dr Michael Greger

Dr Greger's videos are packed with scientific details. Below are diabetes-related videos that showcase the big picture.

Companion articles:

(2017) How to Treat the Root Cause of Diabetes by Dr Greger.

(2017) Foods to Eat to Help Prevent Diabetes by Dr Greger.

(2016) How Not to Die from Diabetes

(4 mins) Transcript.

(2015) Plant-Based Diets & Diabetes

(4 mins) Transcript.

(2019) Plant-Based Diets for Diabetes

(4 mins) Transcript.

(2021) The Best Diet for Diabetes

(5 mins) Transcript.

(2021) Fasting to Reverse Diabetes

(7 mins) Transcript. Dr Greger's summary: "By losing 15 percent of their body weight, nearly 90 percent of those who've had type 2 diabetes for less than four years can achieve remission." In the video, Dr Greger goes on to discuss: how to sustain this weight loss after we lost weight? Would adopting a plant-based diet help?

(2016) Reversing Diabetes with Food

(4 mins) Transcript.

(2016) Diabetes Reversal: Is It the Calories or the Food?

(6 mins) Transcript.

(2009) How to Prevent Diabetes

(2 mins) Transcript.

(2009) How to Treat Diabetes

(2 mins) Transcript.

(2016) Reversing Diabetes with Surgery

(5 mins) Transcript.

(2016) When Drugs & Diets Don't Lower Diabetes Deaths

(5 mins) Transcript.

(21 mins, 2022) Why Type 2 Diabetes Is 100% Reversible - Pam Popper, John McDougall, Michael Klaper
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