Part 16: Fasting with Raw Vegetables and Fruits
14 Jul 2019
All Parts (1 — 22): Overview of Diets & Fasts

I have heard of two programs centered around raw vegetables and fruits:

  1. Dr Brooke Goldner conducts 4-week and 6-week programs centered around raw vegetables and raw fruits. Some seeds (chia and flax) and lots of water are also included. No grains, no beans, no nuts. Herbs are okay.
  2. Dr Baxter Montgomery conduct a 4-week Detox Program which is very similar: raw vegetables, raw fruits and some seeds (chia, flax, …).
  3. Fasting with vegetables and fruits alone is one of the preparatory (intermediate) steps in the 8-day Fasting protocol given to a friend of mine by TrueNorth Health Center.

Fasting with vegetables and fruits alone must be a part of many other systems. If you know of any such systems, please drop me an email. Thanks!

Brooke Goldner's Healing Protocol

Brooke Goldner is a physician and psychiatrist. She was diagnosed with lupus at age 16. At age 28, her recovery started when she met her would-be husband who was into nutrition and bodybuilding: Thomas Tadlock (check out his website where he shows off his physique). Thomas is a physical fitness coach who thrives on a plant-based diet. Brooke wanted to 'look hot' and agreed to follow Thomas' food habits. Within one year of strict adherence, a side effect of the diet was lupus remission! At age 32, she had her first child.

Videos: A really good video: How I beat Lupus and Became a Mother (12 mins). Brooke also has YouTube channel with dozens of videos.

Articles: At ForksOverKnives and at NutritionStudies. Both articles are insightful.

Books: Goodbye Lupus: How a Medical Doctor Healed Herself Naturally With Supermarket Foods (95 pages, 2015) by Brooke Goldner.

Article in Medical Journal: Six-Week Raw, Vegan Nutrition Protocol Rapidly Reverses Lupus Nephritis: A Case Series by B Goldner, International Journal of Disease Reversal and Prevention (IJDRP), Vol 1, No 1, p 11-21, 2019. The journal is IJDRP — a newly set up open-access, peer reviewed journal whose Editorial Team consists of prominent WFPB researchers and doctors. This paper is a 'case series' (stories of 2 specific patients who participated in her program), which is pretty weak evidence for the efficacy of a protocol or intervention. However, it's a good start. Hopefully, further research over the next 20 years will help this protocol blossom into a much more refined protocol to help autoimmune patients.

Healing Protocol: Brooke Goldner periodically holds 3-day free webinars in which she explains two protocols to autoimmune patients: Healing Protocol and Maintenance Protocol. This video (3 hrs, 38 mins; June 2019) is a concatenation of her 3-day webinar — Brooke explains her protocols in details — worth watching!

Autoimmune is not a single disease; it is an umbrella term used for an entire class of conditions. Whole Food Plant-Based (WFPB) doctors agree that the underlying cause is Leaky Gut Syndrome. For lupus nephritis, one of the more difficult autoimmune conditions, Brooke Goldner has chalked out Healing Protocol and Maintenance Protocol which seems effective not only for lupus but other autoimmune conditions as well.

In order to help a good friend tackle an autoimmune condition, I heard three webinars by Brooke Goldner in March 2019. In the first webinar, she outlined three things to absolutely avoid for treating autoimmune: Dairy, Oil and Processed Foods. In the second webinar, she outlined two protocols: the Healing Protocol and the Maintenance Protocol. The Healing Protocol is a short term measure to be adopted for 4 to 6 weeks to rapidly heal our bodies. Three highlevel guidelines of this protocol are:

  • Raw Vegetables, especially Greens. Along with small quantities of Raw Fruits, some Nuts & Seeds, Herbs & Spices. The most convenient way to consume them is via green smoothies (at least 64oz every day).

    Examples of Greens: different varieties of kale (green kale, dino kale, russian kale), chard (rainbor chard, red chard, swiss chard), collard greens, dandelion greens, beet greens, pea greens, red mustard greens, spinach, sweet potato greens, turnip greens, kohlrabi greens.

  • Omega-3 sources: either add 1/2 cup of chia seeds or 1/2 cup of flax seeds to 64oz smoothie. Quantity to be increased to 1 cup over time, as we get comfortable.
  • Drink large amounts of water. Approximately 128oz (about 3.7 liters) in a day for somebody weighing over 128 lbs. Those who weigh less may drink as many ounces as their weight in pounds. For example, if somebody is 90 lbs, then drink 90 oz water in a day.

Brooke has described her healing protocol here (PDF presentation).

Note: Brooke Goldner's healing protocol has more points than mentioned above. For details and for understanding this healing protocol well, please join Brooke Goldner's program, or her FaceBook groups.

Brooke offers two programs to her clients: 4-Week Lupus Recovery Program and 6 Week Rapid Recovery Group. In the latter program, a group of about 25 patients heal as a group. In her programs, she also introduces Metagenics UltraFlora Balance Probiotics (two times a day after meals). Being a psychiatrist and a counselor, she is skilled with providing support when emotional challenges that typically arise when we start healing.

WFPB and Autoimmune: In Feb-Mar 2019, I became a support person for three friends who are tackling autoimmune. I penned down these articles with information and success stories for them: Lupus Success Stories, Multiple Sclerosis & WFPB, Leaky Gut & Molecular Mimicry and Testimonials from 30-day "Meals for Health" Program. By watching videos and personal stories of autoimmune patients, I came to understand how debilitating autoimmune conditions invariably become over time. I also realized that autoimmune is much harder to tackle than heart disease and diabetes.

Overall, I have developed faith that cessation of autoimmune symptoms is a possibility by some combination of Brooke Goldner's protocol, the TrueNorth juice fasting and water fasting protocols, and by following WFPB-SOS (Whole Food, Plant-Based Diet with no-Salt, no-Oil, no-Sugar).

Dr Baxter Montgomery
TrueNorth 8-Day Fasting Protocol

In early 2019, a good friend was given an 8-Day Fasting Protocol by TrueNorth Health Center in Santa Rosa, California. Some of the days in this 8-Day Fasting Protocol were 'raw vegetables and fruits only (preferably raw)'.

For me, the 8-Day TrueNorth Fasting Protocol became a stepping stone towards understanding the spectrum of diets and fasts which is described in Part 1: Spectrum of Diets and Part 2: Raw Foods and Fasting Protocols.

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