(4 mins)
This video features prominent WFPB doctors like Dr Greger, Dr McDougal, Dr Barnard, Dr Goldhamer, and others.
Good video, aimed at lay persons but still quite technical — in between, there are tidbits of high quality information in simple English for everybody.
(25 mins) Dr Kim Williams is former President of American College of Cardiology, USA.
Paper: Ketogenic Diets and Chronic Disease: Weighing the Benefits Against the Risks by Lee Crosby, Brenda Davis, Shivam Joshi, Meghan Jardine, Jennifer Paul, Maggie Neola and Neal Barnard, Frontiers in Nutrition, 16 July 2021.
News report: New Study Links Keto Diet to Severe Long-Term Health Risks at ForksOverKnives. Excerpts:
Dr Fuhrman: Why a Nutritarian Diet is Superior to the Ketogenic Diet in the Fight Against Cancer (August 2016)
Dean & Ayesha Sherzai: Can the Ketogenic Diet Lead to Alzheimer's Disease? (Oct 2017)
Robyn Chuter at Center for Nutrition Studies:
NutritionFacts: Experts Agree: Keto and Vegan Keto Diets Should Be Avoided (Jan 2020)