In several articles and videos, Dr McDougall explains that low carb diets are unhealthy. They are the antithesis of a Whole Food Plant-Based diet which is starch-rich and carbohydrate rich.
(2 mins, 2011) What about those High Protein / Low Carb diets that are so popular?
(56 mins, 2013) Low-Carb Hysteria
(41 mins, 2015) Dangers of Low Carb Diets
(13 mins, 2016) Eskimo Low Carb Diet Is Deadly
(63 mins, 2014) The Ultimate Diet Therapy
(7 mins, 2018) Low Carbers Blasted by Vegan Doctors
In this video, Dr Barnard interviews Dr McDougall. Dr Barnard is a foremost WFPB researcher who has written papers on tackling diabetes via WFPB. He heads PCRM.