Emotional Well Being & WFPB
Are Plant Foods Better for Emotional Well Being?

Dr Greger has multiple videos explaining that consumption of more plant-based foods is associated with better scores on tests that measure mood and well being!

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How Do Animal Foods Impact Mood?

Research into the relationships between food and mental health is in early stages. In some of videos, Dr Greger outlines a hypothesis to explain why animal foods may be lowering our mood: arachidonic acid!

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How Do Plant Foods Impact Mood?

Research into the relationships between food and mental health is in early stages. In some of his videos, Dr Greger outlines some hypotheses to explain how plants may be impacting mood positively: (a) monoamine oxidase (MAO) enzyme inhibitors in fruits and veggies, (b) serotinin and tryptophan in plant foods, and (c) antioxidants and anti-inflammatories found in plant foods.

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Saffron & Aromatherapy

Does consumption of saffron, a middle-Eastern spice, help us reduce depression? How about just smelling saffron? How about other aromas? Dr Greger summarizes fascinating studies in this context.

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Breathing & Physical Exercises for Mood

Can physical exercises and breathing exercises boost our happiness? A couple of videos by Dr Greger summarize research in this area.

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Music & Mood

Our common sense tells us that "soothing music helps us relax". How else does music influence us subjectively and objectively? Are there scientific studies? Dr Greger explains.

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Is laughing helpful for improved health? Yeah!

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Forest Bathing?

Is spending time in nature helpful? Yeah!

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Gut Health & Mood

Our gut microbiome is fascinating! It is populated by trillions of bacteria from at least 1,000 different species, weighing a few pounds in total! Do these bacterial colonies influence how our brain functions? Our mood? Yeah! Early research is pointing in that direction!

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Fasting For Depression?

A couple of videos by Dr Greger summarizing how fasting may treat depression!

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Misc Articles on Food & Mood

What do Whole Food Plant-Based docs other than Dr Greger have to say about food and mood?

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Misc Videos on Food & Mood

A collection of miscellaneous videos on food & mood by Dr Greger.

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Lectures on Stress & Brain Function by Dr Peter Rogers


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Relaxation Response by Dr Herbert Benson


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Dr Greger videos on ADHD & WFPB.

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Psychiatric Drugs


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