Kidney Health & WFPB
Plant vs Animal Proteins for Kidney Health

Does reduction in intake of acid-forming foods (animal products: meat, eggs, cheese) and increase in intake of base-inducing foods (plant foods like whole grains, fruits & vegetables) improve kidney health by reducing kidney inflammation and acidosis?

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Kidney Stones

Dr Greger makes two points: (a) Interventional studies support the population data that animal protein consumption appears to markedly increase the risk of kidney stones. (b) Decreasing animal protein and sodium intake appears more effective in treating calcium oxalate and uric acid kidney stones than restricting calcium or oxalates.

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Dr Greger on Kidney Disease

A collection of Dr Greger videos on kidney disease, kidney disease and treatment with Whole Food Plant-Based guidelines.

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Dr McDougall on Kidney Disease

Dr McDougall gave a 1-hr lecture on kidney disease. Chapter 9 from his 1986 book titled "McDougall's Medicine" is focused on kidney disease and is freely available at his website.

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Dr Shivam Joshi on Kidney Disease

Dr Shivam Joshi is a nephrologist, a primary care physician and a plant-based lifestyle medicine doctor. He gives lectures on kidney disease prevention and treatment with Whole Food Plant-Based guidelines.

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Dr Sean Hashmi on Kidney Disease

Dr Sean Hashmi is a nephrologist with Kaiser Permanente who advocates Whole Food Plant-Based guidelines.

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Dr Kidong Im on Kidney Disease

Dr Kidong Im is a Korean doctor who treats kidney disease with Whole Food Plant-Based diet guidelines. He has only 1 video in English but several in Korean (with English sub-titles).

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Dr Peter Rogers on Kidney Health

Fast-paced, information rich videos by Dr Rogers on kidney health.

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Misc Talks on Kidney Disease

Presentations by WFPB nutritionists like Michele Crosmer.

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Stopping Kidney Disease by Lee Hull

Lee Hull has written books targeted at kidney patients to help them understand this disease, and to help them work with their doctors while they make lifestyle changes — especially dietary — to improve kidney function. He himself has tackled serious kidney disease for 20+ years now.

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Kidney Cancer

Dr Greger explains, "Nitrite from all animal sources, not just processed meats, was associated with an increased risk of kidney cancer. The researchers found no associations with nitrate or nitrite intake from plant sources."

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WFPB Books on Kidney Health

Books by Lee Hull and others.

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