Trans Fats
Trans Fat Toxicity

Trans fat intake is associated with increased risk for many chronic lifestyle conditions like heart disease and cancer.

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Trans Fat Sources

Natural trans fats are found only in animal foods. Plant foods don't have any trans fats. Artificial trans fats are derived from plant foods through industrial processing: PHOs (Partially Hydrogenated Oils) in particular.

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How To Minimize Trans Fat Intake?

To dial down our trans fat intake to zero, we would have to forego animal products and Ultra-Processed Foods (UPFs). Whole plant foods do not have trans fats.

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Trans Fat Bans

How to minimize trans fat intake? By foregoing Ultra-Processed Foods (UPFs) with Partially Hydrogenated Oils (PHOs), and by foregoing animal products! For UPFs, governments worldwide have started enacting bans on trans fats.

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