Processed Foods? A Big No!
Salt, Sugar, Fat: Michael Moss

Michael Moss wrote an insightful NYTimes bestseller titled "Salt, Sugar, Fat" (2014).

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Which Processed Foods Are Healthy?

Processed meat is an IARC Group 1 carcinogen, in the same group as asbestos, radiation, alcohol and tobacco! Ultra Processed Foods are the subject of ongoing research; they are suspected to contribute to myriad modern chronic diseases.

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Processed Meat

Processed Meat was classified as IARC Group 1 Carcinogen in 2015. What does that mean? What is IARC? What does it mean to classify something as Group 1 Carcinogen?

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Impact of Processed Foods on Microbiome

Dr Will Bulsiewicz has an interesting line of thought that appeared in a podcast interview with Rich Roll (August 2020).

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3-MCPD in Industrial Foods

In 2021, Dr Greger published a couple of videos on 3-MCPD in hydrolyzed vegetable proteins, refined oils, liquid aminos and soy sauce.

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List of Acceptable Processed Foods


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Documentaries on Processed Foods


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White Bread

The history of modern white bread is fascinating! When did we start using refined grains, bleaching agents, added sugars, added oils, preservatives and additives?

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American Breakfast

What is the history of American breakfast centered around bacon & eggs, or cereal with milk, with some coffee or orange juice?

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