Gut Microbiome
What is Gut Microbiome?

Our microbiome is the aggregate of all microbes — bacteria, fungi, protozoa an viruses — that reside inside our body. Our "gut microbiome" refers to all microbes inside our guts (intestines). We have 1,000 different species of bacteria in our guts, approximately 2 to 5 pounds by weight. Wow!

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Dr Erica Sonnenburg on Gut Microbiome

Dr Erica Sonnenburg's 1-hr talk is helpful in grasping the big picture of gut microbiome, food & chronic diseases.

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Dr Michael Greger on Gut Microbiome

Dr Greger's videos on gut microbiome are fantastic! They helped me understand the relationships among dietary fiber intake, our gut microbiome, and chronic diseases.

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Lecture by Dr Robynne Chutkan


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Dr Will Bulsiewicz on Gut Microbiome

Dr Bulsiewicz is a world expert on gut microbiome, intestinal health and the role of food in keeping our guts healthy! In a Rich Roll interview, he offered a fascinating insight that helped me strengthen my resolve to stay away from processed foods.

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CSIRO Microbiome Videos

In 2014-2015, CSIRO (Australia) published a fantastic 10-part video series explaining the gut microbiome.

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Gut & Mood

Do our guts affect our mood? Leading scientists explain, "yes!"

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Do we need probiotics? What do various Whole Food Plant-Based doctors say?

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Low FODMAP & Whole Food Plant-Based

How to follow Low-FODMAP with Whole Food Plant-Based guidelines?

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