Lupus Success Story: Dr Brooke Goldner
18 Nov 2020
Dr Brooke Goldner is a physician who also has a degree in psychiatry. She was diagnosed with lupus at age 16. At age 28, her recovery started when she met her would-be husband who was into nutrition and bodybuilding: Thomas Tadlock (check out his website where he shows off his physique). Thomas is a physical fitness coach who thrives on a plant-based diet. Brooke wanted to 'look hot' and agreed to follow Thomas' food habits. Within one year of strict adherence, a side effect of the diet was lupus remission! At age 32, she had her first child.

Videos: A really good video: How I beat Lupus and Became a Mother (12 mins).

Brooke also has YouTube channel with dozens of videos.

Personal Story: At ForksOverKnives and at NutritionStudies. Both articles are insightful.

Books: Goodbye Lupus: How a Medical Doctor Healed Herself Naturally With Supermarket Foods (95 pages, 2015) by Brooke Goldner.

Healing Protocol: Brooke Goldner's 6-step protocol is outlined here (PDF presentation).

Case series: Six Week Raw Vegan Nutrition Protocol Rapidly Reverses Lupus Nephritis: A Case Series by Dr Brooke Goldner, Intl J Disease Reversal and Prevention, Vol 1, No 1, 2019.

(12 mins, 2019) How I beat Lupus and Became a Mother

A fast-paced video that describes Brooke's entire journey from age 16 (first diagnosis with lupus) to age 32 (motherhood). The video was made when Brooke was about 42 year of age (her son was 10 at that time). She has been lupus-free since age 29.

(13 mins, 2016) My Story of Reversing Lupus and Autoimmune Disease
(16 mins, 2013) How We Beat Lupus

This video is worth watching even if you don't have any interest in lupus — it's a story of love between Thomas and Brooke :)

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