Lupus Success Story: Jami Heymann
18 Nov 2020
In 2019, I was searching for online narrations (personal stories) by those who successfully tackled lupus with Whole Food Plant-Based guidelines. Luckily, I chanced upon Jami Heymann's personal story.

Jami Heymann recovered from lupus in about 9 months by adopting WFPB-SOS (SOS means no-salt, no-oil, no-sugar). She also went no-gluten and no-coffee.

Articles: Jami's success story was featured in ForksOverKnives: From Crippling Lupus to Living Pain-Free on a Plant-Based Diet (2017). An excerpt from this article:

Many success stories had a common theme: a whole food, plant-based vegan diet with no oil, salt, or sugar. Some people had also eliminated gluten.

For the first time in months, I felt hopeful. On that day, I changed my diet for good. I cut out all animal products, oil, salt, sugar, gluten, and even coffee. Within a week, my finger pain had diminished. Over the next few months, my overall pain, hair loss, and extreme fatigue gradually lessened until the day I realized I felt normal again. There were days that I even forgot that I had lupus. And, I have not had a seizure in the last year and a half.

Today, nine months after my diagnosis, I feel totally healthy and normal, with no symptoms of lupus. I am 100 percent compliant on this diet, even on the weekends! I lost 10 pounds and take no medication at all. I walk three to four days a week and do resistance training at home with small weights.

Podcast Interview: A 25-minute video interview with Jami is available here: Jami Heymann Frees Herself Of All Lupus Symptoms With A Whole Food Plant Based Diet.

The Podcast interview has more details than the ForksOverKnives article. For example, when her symptoms started, she was initially following WFPB on and off. Later, when she got a firm diagnosis of lupus, she was alarmed and became very strict with WFPB-SOS, no-gluten, no-coffee. It was strict compliance that made the difference — it took her about 8-9 months to cure herself.

As far as I can tell, Jami didn't do juice fasts or water-only fasts which hasten recovery but require medical guidance / supervision at centers like TrueNorth Health Center in Santa Rosa, California.

On the whole, I find her story inspiring! I felt that she is a determined woman who figured out what to do, strictly followed the guidelines and got great results.

Website: Jami maintains SweetVeggieLife (check out her recipes). She is on FaceBook.

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