Can HDL Drop With WFPB?
2 Sep 2021
Adoption of Whole Food Plant-Based (WFPB) may lead to a drop in HDL numbers. Should that ring an alarm bell? What do WFPB docs say?
Dr Esselstyn

An excerpt from Esselstyn FAQ:

Question: "HDL — My doctor is concerned because my HDL has gone down?"

Dr Esselstyn's answer: "It is not uncommon for HDL to fall when consuming plant based nutrition. Do not be alarmed. The capacity of HDL to do its job has been shown recently by scientific research that there is no relationship between the capacity of the HDL molecule to function optimally and its blood level. Recent research has confirmed that the HDL molecule can be injured and weakened when one is ingesting a pro inflammatory western diet and conversely it appears despite a lower than normal level to be optimized by anti inflammatory plant based-nutrition."

(16 mins, 2023) The Mortality Of People Getting Stents And Heart Bypass Surgeries

A large portion of this video pertains to HDL lowering through adoption of Whole Food Plant-Based diet.

Dustin Rudolph (Plant-Based Pharmacist)
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