Heart Disease & Cholesterol
Is Cholesterol Harmful?

Do high levels of cholesterol in our blood cause us serious sicknesses? Some Dr Greger videos on this theme.

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Oxidized Cholesterol

How bad is oxidized cholesterol?

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Cholesterol Raising Foods

What kinds of foods raise our cholesterol levels? Some videos by Dr Greger.

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Cholesterol Lowering Foods

Can cholesterol levels in our body e lowered with dietary changes? What kind of foods help?

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Total Cholesterol < 150 And LDL < 70?

What do WFPB docs say about ideal cholesterol numbers? What is the reasoning behind total cholestereol < 150 and LDL <70?

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Target Cholesterol Levels for Indians

Is there a threshold for Total Cholesterol below which people of Indian origin rarely get heart attacks, and even if they do, they are non-fatal?

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Can HDL Drop With WFPB?

Adoption of Whole Food Plant-Based (WFPB) may lead to a drop in HDL numbers. Should that ring an alarm bell? What do WFPB docs say?

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The Tyranny Of Cholesterol Numbers

Should we focus on cholesterol numbers or diligently following a Whole Food Plant-Based diet? Dr Klaper offers his perspective.

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Eggs & Cholesterol: What Does Industry Say?

What do researchers, the egg industry and USDA say about eggs? A collection of aricles and videos by Dr Greger.

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