Heart Disease: Misc Articles
The Roseto Effect


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Lectures By William C Roberts


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Atrial Fibrillation


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12 Week WFPB Recipe Program - Nov 2021

A 12-week recipe centric introduction to Whole Food Plant-Based guidelines.

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Heart Disease, Indian Folks & Food - Oct 2021


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Week 1: Sweet Breakfast with Whole Grains, Fruits & Berries - Nov 2021

How to make a sweet breakfast porridge with whole grains, fruits and berries.

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Week 2: Oil-Free Bean & Soy Recipes — Nov 2021

An overview of beans, an important food group in Whole Food Plant-Based guidelines.

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Bill Clinton

Former US President Bill Clinton was inspired by the work of Whole Food Plant-Based luminaries like Dr Ornish and Dr Esselstyn.

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Heart Disease & Gut Microbiome


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