Heart Disease: Prevention & Reversal with Whole Food Plant-Based Guidelines

The relationship between diet and heart disease is stunning! On one hand, heart disease is the leading killer of men and women worldwide! The leading killer in Western countries, in high income countries, in USA, and in India too. At the same time, Dr Caldwell Esselstyn says that "Heart disease is a toothless paper tiger that need never exist! This is a food-borne illness!" Wait a minute! What's going on? Will the leading killer of men and women worldwide cease to exist if all of us were to fix our food habits? What exactly are these food habits? If we already have heart disease, can it be reversed?
Heart Disease & Diet: An Overview

What is the relationship between heart disease and Whole Food Plant-Based guidelines?

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Diet vs Exercise for Heart Health

For prevention of coronary artery disease, is it enough to exercise diligently and eat whatever we feel like?

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The Last Heart Attack

Dr Sanjay Gupta has made documentaries and short videos for CNN, mentioning WFPB, Dr Ornish and Dr Esselstyn.

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Can A Single Meal Impair Arterial Function? How?

WFPB docs explain how our blood becomes viscous within hours of consuming a fatty meal.

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Which Foods Impair Arterial Function?

Which foods are known to promote arterial function? Which foods cripple our arteries? A collection of videos by Dr Greger.

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Which Foods Promote Arterial Function?

Which foods protect our endothelium and promote arterial function?

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Dr Bimal Chhajer on Oil, Milk, Ghee, Butter & Buttermilk

Dr Bimal Chhajer was Senior Resident Doctor & Assistant Professor at AIIMS from 1989-1995. Inspired by Dr Dean Ornish's work, he left this position to set up SAAOL (Science And Art Of Living). Dr Chhajer discourages dietary intake of oils, milk and dairy products. For those who insist on consuming milk & dairy products, he allows for 200 grams of double toned milk or 500 grams of skimmed milk.

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Heart Disease & Dr Caldwell Esselstyn

Dr Esselstyn is a former heart surgeon from Cleveland Clinic. For heart disease, his WFPB videos, books & cookbooks are the best!

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Heart Disease & Dr Dean Ornish

Dr Dean Ornish's landmark study in 1990 demonstrated atherosclerotic plaque reversal! Since 2010, Medicare (US govt health insurance system) has supported the Ornish Reversal Program. His videos, books & cookbooks are great!

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Heart Disease & Dr John McDougall


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Heart Disease & Dr Steven Lome

Dr Steven Lome is a heart surgeon with excellent, information-rich videos explaining WFPB for heart disease! Must watch!

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Heart Disease & Dr Michael Greger

Dr Greger — my favorite WFPB doc — has dozens of videos related to heart disease and atherosclerosis! Great for an in-depth exposition of the subject.

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Heart Disease & Dr Peter Rogers

Fast-paced, information rich lectures by Dr Peter Rogers.

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Heart Surgery vs Dietary Change?

I was stunned to find stories of people who opted out of heart surgery and chose to invest in Dr Esselstyn-style strict Whole Food Plant-Based guidelines instead!

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WFPB Books For Heart Disease

Books by Drs Ornish, Esselstyn, … Plus cookbooks and personal narratives.

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