Over the last 30 years, the percentage of deaths due to NCDs (Non-Communicable Diseases) have increased steadily, as shown by the chart below. Heart disease is the most common NCD.
Source: IHME GBD Visualization for India
As seen in the two charts below, all states have witnessed reduction in "red" (Communicable, Maternal, Neonatal & Nutritional Diseases) and increase in "blue" (Non-Communicable Diseases). Some states have more red than others, but the percentage of blue is increasing steadily in all states.
Source: IHME GBD Visualization for India
Source: IHME GBD Visualization for India
Let's say we are 20 years old today. Twentyfive years from now, we'll be 45. By that time, blues will dominate even more!
Among the blues, the most prominent illness is heart disease.
In states like Punjab, heart disease is much more prominent than others.
Source: IHME GBD Visualization for India
The chart below appears at offset 28:44 of this presentation by Dr Koushik Reddy, a Whole Food Plant-Based cardiologist in USA. He's also Fellow, American College of Lifestyle Medicine.
Source: Cardiovascular Diseases in India Compared With the United States by D Prabhakaran et al, J Am Coll Cardiol, Vol 72, Issue 1, 3 July 2018, p 79-95.
What does the chart say?