The Tyranny Of Cholesterol Numbers
2 Sep 2021
Should we focus on cholesterol numbers or should we focus on diligently following an Esseltyn-style strict Whole Food Plant-Based diet? Dr Klaper offers his perspective.
(6 mins) The Truth About Cholesterol
(33 mins) Beyond Cholesterol — Freeing Yourself from the Tyranny of your Cholesterol Numbers

This is an expanded version of the 6-min video above.

(2021) Familial Cholesterol - Does High Cholesterol Mean High Risk?

YouTube Video description:

Dr. Klaper offers health advice on familial cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia) and tells us that high cholesterol doesn't always mean a high risk for atherosclerosis. It is important to check the artery walls to see what is happening. Familial hypercholesterolemia can mean that genetics and liver function can cause elevated cholesterol. If you are eating a whole food plant-based diet, with no oxidized cholesterol forming on the artery walls, then you may not be at risk for stroke or heart disease.

Cholesterol Guidelines by Dr Kim Williams

While we focus on Esselstyn-style dietary guidelines for protecting ourselves from heart attacks, do medicines have any role to play? Yes! Medicines are indeed helpful. Below is an insightful interview with Dr Kim Williams focused on cholesterol numbers and calcium-related tests.

Food for thought: when we are taking medicines, should we see medicines as the primary modality, or should we see dietary and lifestyle changes as the primary modality, with medicines playing a role as an adjunct or secondary modality?

(38 mins, 2021) Dr Kim Williams: Understanding Cholesterol

What's important: LDL, HDL, IDL, VLDL? How to calculate 10-year risk of heart disease or stroke? When to take statins? What tests are helpful if our risk is neither too high nor too low? … and more! Dr Kim Williams was Fellow of the American College of Cardiology and served as its president from 2015 to 2016.

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