Does Moderation Work?

Does 'moderation' work in practice? What do prominent WFPB doctors and nutritionists say?

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Dr Brooke Goldner On Moderation

Dr Brooke Goldner (physician & psychiatrist) strongly advises against moderation.

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Dr Esselstyn: Moderation Kills!

Chapter 5 of Dr Esselstyn's Prevent And Reverse Heart Disease (2008) is titled "Moderation Kills". Why does he say that?

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Moderation Of Yellow Light Foods

Whole Food Plant-Based guidelines often use a traffic light system: red, yellow and green. Why moderate the consumption of yellow light foods? How to do it?

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Plant-Based vs Plant-Only

Is 100% plant-only WFPB better than 95% or 99% plant-based WFPB?

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'Just A Little' Can Kill You

Jeff Nelson narrates the story of his dad.

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Moderation & Cancer

Dr John Kelly explains that strict adherence to low fat Whole Food Plant-Based guidelines may be the key to cancer prevention.

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