A collection of videos in which Dr Peter Rogers explains the importance of exercise.
Videos by Dr Greger explaining benefits for prevention and treatment of modern chronic lifestyle conditions.
Is lowering our resting heart rate helpful? Does exercise help? What is our ideal BMI? What is our ideal waist size?
Should we exercise for 1 hour, 2 hours or even longer?
Is spending time in nature, or forest bathing (known as 'shinrin-yoku' in Japanese) health promoting? Yeah!
Spending time in the sun helps us maintain good Vitamin D levels in our body! But there is the risk of sunburns and skin cancer. What should we do?
How bad is sitting for our physical health? How often should we get up and be active? Are treadmill desks helpful?
Is it possible to become physically strong on a plant-based diet? Yes!
A collection of videos in which Dr Fuhrman shares his favorite exercises and the reasoning behind them.
How much exercise is enough? How harmful is too much sitting? …
Dr Klaper offers exercise & diet tips, especially the dangers of high protein diets.
Dr Greger has a video about hydration & exercise that caught me by surprise. It's a myth-buster video. What myths are we talking about?
What's more helpful for excellent health: eating healthy or regular exercise?
Dr Greger has several videos on nitrate-rich foods, oxidant-rich foods and other foods to enhance athletic performance. Anti-inflammatory foods help us tackle muscle fatigue and soreness. And for athletes who work out a lot, foods that balance our immune system help us avoid infections like common cold.