CHIP (Complete Health Improvement Program, now known as Pivio) is a community run program centered around 16-18 lectures along with encouragement to follow a Whole Food, Plant-Based Diet. The first CHIP program was conducted in 1988 by Dr Hans Diehl. Over 40 research papers have been written about it.
Geisinger's Fresh Food Farmacy has shown great success in reducing diabetes among patients.
A couple months of just educating employees at Geico corporate headquarters about the wonders of a plant-based diet, along with a few healthier options in the cafeteria, without changes in exercise, compared to a control work site where employees were kept in the dark. And within a few months, with their newly acquired knowledge-is-power, the pounds and inches came off!
In 2011 and sometime around 2013-2014, a California-based program called Meals for Health was carried out by John Robbins' Earthsave Foundation. Testimonials by those whose health was dramatically improved within 30 days!