Dr Esselstyn argues that cold turkey approach is best: we should adopt Whole Food Plant-Based guidelines wholesale, not piece by piece over time. Dr Klaper clarifies that the cold turkey approach may not work for one specific food group: meat.
In Kaizen-style approach, we adopt Whole Food Plant-Based guidelines over a period of several months, continually refining our food system, week after week. One strategy is to focus on 1 specific preparation and fine-tune it over 21 days. By learning about 6 such preparations, we will have adopted Whole Food Plant-Based guidelines for all of our meals in a period of 4 to 6 months.
Multi-day fasting (with juice or water-only) resets our taste buds. At the end of such a fast, we have a golden opportunity to transition to a clean food system like WFPB.
In 2019, Sierra Club posted "8 Ways to Start Easin' Into Vegan" with interesting ideas on how to cut down our meat and dairy intake incrementally: Meatless Mondays, Freestyle Friday, VB 6 (Vegan Before 6), Weekday Vegetarian, OMD (One Meal a Day), Veganuary and The Reducetarian Diet.
The Exsalus Food Continuum is an interesting approach to slowly transition from our current food system to a Whole Food Plant-Based system. Developed by Dr Alona Pulde and Dr Matthew Lederman who headed the Exsalus Health & Wellness Center in Los Angeles, USA.