Testimonials from 30-day "Meals for Health" Program
13 Feb 2019
In 2011 and sometime around 2013-2014, a California-based program called Meals for Health was carried out by John Robbins' EarthSave Foundation. Groups of seniors were given 23½ hours of presentations on a WFPB Diet (Whole Food Plant-Based Diet) along with support by coaches and food banks. At the end of 30 days, participants' heartfelt retelling of their experiences and remarkable transformations were recorded in 3 short videos.

Details: Meals for Health: One-month intervention program by Dr Don Forrester.


(2013-2014) Testimonials from Oakland Baptist Church program:

  1. Video 1 (9 mins; a particularly moving narration starts at 5:31)
  2. Video 2 (3 mins; remission of lupus, a debilitating autoimmune disease)

(2011) Testimonials from Sacramento food bank program:

John Robbins explains the Meals for Health program in this video (12 mins, 2011). An advantage of doing such programs with tightly knit communities is 'group support', which is very helpful in adhering to new food habits.

Who is John Robbins?

The EarthSave Foundation was founded by John Robbins (also see his Wikipedia page) who authored a landmark book Diet for a New America in 1987 (a revised, 2nd Edition was published in 2012). The 1987 book influenced many people to gravitate towards a vegan lifestyle.

Simply Raw (Documentary)

A documentary that is somewhat related to the 30-Day Food for Meals program is Simply Raw (2009, 90 mins, YouTube). This documentary traces the lives of 6 people who had diabetes. They were asked to stay for 30 days at a wellness center (Tree of Life Center in Tennessee) by Gabriel Cousens. Within a few days, diabetes related markers started showing remarkable improvement! The documentary showcases how the 6 participants went through not only physical changes day by day, they also experienced mental and emotional changes as well.

See 'Simply Raw' reviews on Amazon. Most 1-star reviews stem from two sources: (a) the price of the DVD is exorbitant; it's available on YouTube for free, and (b) the documentary doesn't spell out details of the actual meal plans; it focuses on the personal experiences of the 6 participants.

Gabriel Cousens has a fascinating biography. He combines knowledge from multiple healing traditions. He advocates WFPB (Whole Food, Plant-Based) food habits but leans towards raw. The 6 participants in the 'Simply Raw' documentary were eating raw WFPB food.

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