The Role of Emotions
15 Sep 2020
For some people, emotional blocks create impediments to healing. Two scenarios arise:

  1. Some people intellectually understand the value of good food and exercise but they have a hard time incorporating these into their lives. Sometimes, they don't even get started. Why? Because some past trauma is blocking them from taking care of themselves.
  2. Some people have skillfully incorporated lifestyle changes (good food & exercise) into their lives, but they are still not experiencing the results that others typically get with commensurate effort! In such cases, we may have to look into emotional well being. For example, emotions like stress, anxiety, fear, anger, grief — all of these produce chemicals that counteract the effects of good food and exercise.

Below are observations by doctors & researchers into food, emotions & healing:

Autoimmune Conditions: Dr Brooke Goldner

Dr Brooke Goldner is a physician & psychiatrist who helps patients with autoimmune conditions heal themselves via food changes, exercise and attention to emotional health.

(4 mins, 2020) What Causes Autoimmune?

An insightful video that explains the role of trauma, grief and negative emotions and autoimmune conditions.

Gut Health: Dr Will Bulsiewicz

Dr Will Bulsiewicz (WFPB gut health doc) explains at offset 4:29 of this video:

"The part of the book that I really wanted to elaborate on and there just not enough pages to go there were the effects of trauma. The most challenging patients that I see as a gastroenterologist are the people who have been victims of physical, emotional, sexual, psychological trauma. It changes them and they don't realize the way that it affects their guts. And typically, when they get to me, I'm the 5th or 6th doctor (gastroenterologist) they've been to; they're looking for solutions related to their gut microbiome or to their digestive issues; and what I discover after getting to know them and building trust in that relationship, is that the solution is not through food but more so it's actually healing that trauma that's eating at them at a subconscious level."

Optimize Your Microbiome: Dr. Will Bulsiewicz | Rich Roll Podcast

Visit offset 4:29 of the video for a psychological insight by Dr B.

Obesity & ACE Study

Many times, the underlying reason for poor eating habits is psychological. See this article in Huffington Post: ACE Study (Adverse Childhood Experiences), for example. Below is a quote from the article Why Obesity Is Often a Symptom of a Deeper Pain by Dr Mondo:

“If you want to change your long-standing relationship to comfort eating you must do two things.

First, you must be willing to dig deep and explore the recurring pain that ve been using food to escape, numb or find comfort in. Second, you must engage in that exploration from a place of compassion for yourself, rather than shame. When you explore the emotion behind your comfort eating you will discover a context that finally allows your wild relationship with food to actually make perfect sense.

Trigger emotions are the biggest clues that we have for tracing our way back to the real pain. What feelings triggers eating for comfort? Maybe it's anxiety, or loneliness, or depression; maybe it's the fear of abandonment, fear of rejection, or fear of failure — or a combination of several of those feelings. Identify what your trigger emotions are and then spend some time examining the backstory of your relationship to that feeling. When did it first show up? In what relationships or settings?”

(35 mins) Redefining Obesity: Obesity and Adverse Childhood Events
Emotions & Gastrointestinal Conditions

Do emotions trigger and influence the course of gastrointestinal conditions like IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)? Are there mind-body techniques for emotion regulation, targeted at treating specific gastrointestinal conditions? Yes! See Is IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) Psychosomatic? and IBS Lecture by Dr Angie Sadeghi to see how the gut-brain axis and our enteric nervous system influences IBS.

Cancer: Radical Remission

Kelly Turner interviewed cancer survivors worldwide to identify 9 factors that were common to their endeavors. These 9 factors are:

For more information, see Kelly Turner: Radical Remission.

Dr Lissa Rankin

Books: Books by Dr Lissa Rankin at Amazon.

(54 mins, 2013) Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof You Can Heal Yourself

A nice talk that emphasizes the mental factors that help us heal ourselves. At the beginning, she mentions that in Marin County, she met several patients who had already incorporated many factors for healthy living: veganism, hardly any processed foods, regular exercise, 8 hours of sleep, and so on. Yet these people were sick. Dr Rankin was intrigued and she started digging deeper into emotional, psychological and spiritual factors that help us stay healthy and heal from sicknesses.

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