Are Nuts Healthy?

A collection of Dr Greger videos espousing various benefits of nuts.

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Do Nuts Lead To Weight Gain?

Nuts are fat rich. But nut intake doesn't lead to weight gain! Dr Greger went into details explaining this point in a 7-video series in 2012. A fascinating series to watch.

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Cholesterol Lowering Via Nuts & Seeds?

How to lower cholesterol? Basically we need to eat fewer animal foods, the only source of cholesterol, and more plants, the only source of fiber. One plant food that may be particularly protective is nuts.

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How Many Nuts & Seeds To Eat Daily?

On one hand, studies show that nuts are awesome! They help us lose weight, lower cholesterol levels and promote health in many other ways. Yet the healing protocols developed for Dr Esselstyn for heart disease and by Mastering Diabetes duo for diabetes insist on a low fat intake with very few nuts & seeds. What's going on?

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Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts are rich in selenium, so we should be careful with Brazil nut consumption to avoid selenium overdose. However, 4 Brazil nuts a month are known to help us reduce cholesterol levels.

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Peanut Butter?

Is there oil-free peanut butter? Should we consume peanut butter sold in the market?

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Pistachio Nuts

Pistachio nuts put to the test for ED and overcoming jet lag.

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Coconuts and coconut derivatives like coconut milk, coconut cream, coconut butter and coconut oil are rich in saturated fats. Multiple dietary guidelines (by IOM, AHA, USDA, WHO) recommend minimization of saturated fat intake.

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Chestnuts are an unusual nut — low in fat. What do Whole Food Plant-Based doctors say about chestnuts?

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Betel Nuts | Areca Nuts

Dr Greger discourages betel nuts (areca nuts) due to potential carcinogenity and liver damage.

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Roasted Nuts & Baked Tofu?

Dr Greger explains why we should not eat roasted nuts and baked tofu.

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