Dr Greger recommends only two natural sweeteners: dates and blackstrap molasses.
Dates are one of the two healthiest sweeteners recmomended by Dr Greger. Surprisingly, dates are health promoting despite being so sweet! Dr Greger explains why. Also, Dr Greger has remarkable videos explaining surprising benefits of dates for pregnancy, labor and delivery!
Blackstrap molasses have an unusual taste. However, they are one of only two healthiest sweeteners recommended by Dr Greger.
What do WFPB and medical organizations like AHA (American Heart Association) advocates say about honey?
Dr Nandita Shah advises against jaggery. It is an extract, sugar-like in nature.
What do AHA (American Heart Association) and WFPB advocates say about maple syrup?
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Why does Dr Greger discourage natural sweeteners like monk fruit?