Personal Stories of WFPB Doctors
Curiously, none of the Whole Food Plant-Based doctors below learnt about the profound relationship between food and health at medical school! How did they pick up this knowledge?
How Did Whole Food Plant-Based Doctors Learn About It?

A collection of fascinating personal stories of docs coming in touch with WFPB via ForksOverKnives documentary, through Google searches, through patients' success stories by adopting plant-based, through chance contact with medical literature on WFPB. Most docs listed below are prominent advocates of WFPB and actively promote it. None of them learnt about the profound relationship between food and disease in medical school.

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Dr Michael Greger: Personal Story

Dr Greger is somebody I deeply admire. How did he come in touch with WFPB? In his childhood, he came in touch with Nathan Pritikin, who cured his grandmother of end-stage heart disease!

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Dr Neal Barnard: Personal Story

Dr Neal Barnard narrates an impactful experience from his personal life where he visually saw atherosclerosis in all sorts of arteries during an autopsy. Later, when he stepped out for lunch, he saw ribs and they reminded him of the autopsy he had just witnessed. Later, he connected dots between foods we eat and the diseases they cause, prompting him to become Whole Food Plant-Based.

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Dr Dean Ornish: Personal Story

In 1970s, Dr Dean Ornish came in touch with Swami Satchidananda who inspired him to become vegetarian, meditate, practice yoga and always be of service to others. Those teachings became the foundations of his landmark research in late 70s into a plant-based intervention for tackling heart disease!

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Dr Michael Klaper: Personal Story

What motivated Dr Klaper to pursue Whole Food Plant-Based guidelines? He was influenced by non-violence ideas of Mahatma Gandhi and other Indian saints. Additionally, as an anesthesiologist, he witnessed what fatty meals do to our arteries, and how clogged arteries visually look like. He decided that he didn't want to end up like that.

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Brenda Davis: Introduction to WFPB

Brenda Davis is a Registered Dietitian from Canada. She turned vegan when a friend helped her recognize that animal cruelty underlies the meat and dairy products we regularly consume.

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Dr Steven Lome: Introduction to WFPB

Dr Lome (cardiologist) chanced upon WFPB guidelines via Forks Over Knives documentary recommended by Netflix! That documentary transformed his entire outlook and his clinical practice.

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Dr Saray Stancic: Introduction to WFPB

Dr Saray Stancic chanced upon a research paper on blueberries purporting to heal a chronic disease, which prompted Dr Stancic, "Could food have a role to play in the course of disease?"

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Dr Rajiv Bajekal: Introduction to WFPB

Dr Bajekal is a spine surgeon & orthopedist. His eureka moment was chance discovery of Forks Over Knives (recommended by NetFlix). He switched to WFPB immediately after watching this documentary.

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Dr Bulsiewicz: Personal Story

Dr B is a gastroenterologist. He was initially influenced by his girlfriend who was plant-based. When he introduced some changes into his life, for example, a daily green smoothie, he started noticing positive changes. So he searched for research papers on PubMed and was stunned to find so much WFPB research already in place!

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Dr Ron Weiss: Introduction to WFPB

Dr Ron Weiss is a general physician. He chanced upon plant-based guidelines via the 'macrobiotic diet' recommended to his dad (who had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer).

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Dr Kristi Funk: Personal Story

Dr Funk is a breast surgeon, a surgical oncologist. She chanced upon WFPB guidelines in the process of finding citations for her book on breast cancer. In the middle of writing that book, she made dramatic changes to her own food habits by adopting WFPB, then re-wrote the book to promote WFPB!

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Dr Laurie Marbas: Personal Story

Dr Laurie Marbas is a general physician. She learnt about WFPB from a patient of hers in rural Colorado!

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Dr Benjamin Spock: Personal Story

Dr Spock is probably the world's most famous pediatrist, having published Dr Spock's Baby and Child Care for so many decades! He learnt about WFPB after running into serious sickness, then coming in touch with WFPB advocates like Dr T Colin Campbell and Dr Neal Barnard. In the last edition of Dr Spock's book Baby and Child Care, he recommended a Whole Food Plant-Based diet to infants >2 years of age!

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Dr John McDougall: Personal Story

Dr John McDougall learnt about healthy eating by observing multi-generation families of Asian origin (Filipino, Japanese, Chinese) in Hawaii. He noticed that the older population, who retained much of their traditional eating habits, had far less chronic disease than the younger population who had gravitated to a 'rich Western diet'.

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Dr Evan Allen: Introduction To WFPB

Dr Evan Allen came to know of Whole Food Plant-Based (WFPB) guidelines when his wife asked him to watch Forks Over Knives. He watched but refused to believe much of the documentary! Started researching to find flaws in Forks Over Knives narrative. To his surprise, he couldn't! Later, he attended Dr McDougall's Advanced Study Weekend with his wife, adopted strict WFPB guidelines and started evangelizing them to others.

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Dr T Colin Campbell: Personal Story

Dr T Colin Campbell coined the term Whole Food Plant-Based (WFPB) in 1982. What led him to discover these food guidelines?

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Dr Aajay Shah: Introduction to WFPB

Dr Aajay Shah (cardiologist in Michigan, USA) was a lifelong vegetarian who then adopted Whole Food Plant-Based guidelines. He experienced 55 lbs weight loss, his triglycerides dropped from 400 to 70, HDL increased from 28 to 48, A1C dropped from 5.9 to 5.2, and his waist reduced from 42 to 32. Pretty remarkable!

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Dr Akil Taher: Personal Story

Dr Taher experienced coronary artery disease at young age, angioplasty & stents at 56, bypass surgery at 61. He switched to Whole Food Plant-Based at age 61. He also started pursuing exercise, meditation and yoga. Soon, he ran a half-marathon, a full-marathon & is now participating in triathlons (came 3rd in his age group). A sharp, passionate & inspiring speaker!

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Dr Angie Sadeghi: Introduction To WFPB

Dr Angie Sadeghi is a gastroenterologist in Los Angeles area, California. She is also certified in Lifestyle Medicine. She's not only a doctor but a fitness enthusiast, having participated in a bikini competition in her 40s.

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Dr Nitu Bajekal: Personal Story

Dr Nitu Bajekal turned vegan when her daughter turned vegan at age 10. Coincidentally,she was experiencing early menopause symptome at that time; she was only 38 years old. Within 3 months of switching to a vegan diet, her symptoms vanished. However, she failed to connect the dots that her diet had led to the resolution of her symptoms. Why? Because nutrition education is virtually missing in medical school! Only about 8 years later, when she learnt of Whole Food Plant-Based guidelines did she realize that diet has so much power.

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Dr Shivam Joshi: Introduction to WFPB

Dr Shivam Joshi learnt about plant-based diet by reading The China Study book. He remarks that almost nothing in the book was taught to him in medical school. It influenced him to become a vegetarian, then a vegan and finally adopt Whole Food Plant-Based guidelines.

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Dr Jimmy Conway: Introduction To WFPB

Dr Conway had been scheduled for a triple bypass surgery. Just a few days before his surgery, he chanced upon China Study, then Dr Esselstyn's book on heart disease. He switched his diet and never looked back.

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Dr Mahima Gulati: Personal Story

Dr Mahima Gulati learnt about Lifestyle Medicine through Dr Bret Frates at a leadership conference at Harvard University for female physicians.

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Dr David Bowman: Introduction to WFPB

Dr David Bowman discovered Whole Food Plant-Based guidelines by doing a Daniel Fast, a 21-day regiment without animal products and zero processed foods.

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Dr James Loomis: Personal Story


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Dr Ellsworth Wareham (104-year old)

Dr Wareham [1904-2018] lived for 104 years. He retired as cardiothoracic surgeon at age 95. Since childhood, he was never inclined towards animal products. As an adult in his 40s, he was worried about nutritional adequacy of a diet without animal products. Once he learnt that Vitamin B12 supplementation is all he needs, he switched to veganism.

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Dr Russell Thacher Trall — Author of First Vegan Book in USA (1874)

In 1874, Russell Thacher Trall outlined a food system that is very similar to Dr Esselstyn's strict WFPB guidelines!

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