Dr Akil Taher: Personal Story
23 Apr 2022
In 2021, Dr Akil Taher was 73 years old when he gave the superb presentation below! He's a doctor from India who emigrated to USA. He practiced as a physician in USA for 40+ years.

Book: OPEN HEART (132 pages, 2021) by Dr Akil Taher. Gets glowing reviews from Dr Neal Barnard, Dr Kim Williams, Dr T Colin Campbell, Dr Nandita Shah, …

Website: AkilTaher

Instagram: @akiltaher

(79 mins, 2022) South Asians and Heart Disease: A talk by Akil Taher
(67 mins, 2021) Heart Disease in South Asians

A superb, 1-hr talk that can be watched at 1.5x speed on YouTube.

Personal Story

In the talk above, Dr Taher explains that he experienced coronary artery disease at young age, angioplasty & stents at 56, bypass surgery at 61.

At age 56, after he went through stents and angioplasty, the worst 5-year phase of his life started. He explains in detail how he got diagnosis after diagnosis of various medical conditions: not only heart disease but gastro-intestinal health. During this 5-year period, he used to joke with his patients, "don't worry, I have the same diseases as you!" :-)

At age 61, as he was being wheeled to the operation theater for the bypass surgery, he made a resolve that he will change his lifestyle and run a marathon. He told a nurse about his plans on the operating table.

Post-surgery, Dr Taher did overhaul his life completely! He adopted Whole Food Plant-Based guidelines. And he started investing time in exercise, yoga and meditation.

Dr Taher mentions that prior to his bypass surgery at age 61, he used to follow a "see food diet" (he ate whatever food his eyes saw) and that he "ate like a pig" for much of his life. He also mentions that when it came to exercise, only his eyes used o exercise - "by watching other people exercise" :-)

Soon after making all these lifetsyle changes, Dr Taher was running half-marathons, full marathons, trips in the mountains & triathlons. When the talk was recorded, he was 73 and he looks super-fit and sharp :)

At age 73, he shared his personal experiences in the book OPEN HEART (132 pages, 2021). The book gets glowing reviews from Dr Neal Barnard, Dr Kim Williams, Dr T Colin Campbell, Dr Nandita Shah, …

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